Breaking News Thread

Isn’t that the case of the Emperor’s New Clothes too?

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That is a very good comparison tbh.

I presume it’s simply because it’s not an uncommon theme that inspired Andersen.

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MSM are so slow. Norwegian media and Norwegian tv, still running the official Russian story. Due to how media cycles work, Russian lies work partly. By time MSM wakes up, they have already told the first Russian story uncritically and many will miss that it was a lie. It’s fucked up, but this Russian bullshit actually works to a degree. Depressing. Depressing that you need bloody twitter to know what is happening because of lazy and slow journalism.

BBC as well, no word, despite countless videos on twitter and telegram now analysed by good heads.
it’s such a sad joke. This is really, really much too slow.

Norwegian NRK:
Also just official Russian story: Passasjerfly styrtet i Kasakhstan – flere overlevde, ifølge myndighetene – NRK Norge – Oversikt over nyheter fra ulike deler av landet

It’s as media bureaus just don’t get it, as if they don’t have a healthy slepticism to the source. And it’s as if they don’t work on a story after they have reported it, when it’s clear that it is still in development:
Then later, probably soon, CNN and someone else will run a flashy story of “Plane was actually shot down” and then Far Right knuckle heads will at once shout “that’s not what happened, such obvious American NATO propaganda!”

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Estlink 2 was cut today:

Norwegian NRK reports that a Hong Kong registered ship out of, guess where, St. Petersburg of course, is the prime suspect since it was there when it got cut.

It’s beyond parody how Europe gets raped every single week by Russian sabotage on critical infrastructure and never ever retaliates. Most citizens in Europe even do not seem to be aware that it is happening. That Russia is waging a hybrid war, not only against Ukraine, but all of Europe. And we just continue getting raped, no one is actively seeking to stop the perpetrator, or gosh, retaliate.



Emotional Support Animals are largely bullshit. In terms of law (in the US), the only thing an ESA allows for that they are partially exempt from landlords’ no pet policy, but can still be rejected if doing so requires an undue burden on the landlord. When it comes to flying, going out to eat, going shopping, no one is any under obligation to accommodate an ESA. However, even within the areas where ESAs have some protections, it’s an incredibly loose qualification process. The patient is qualified by a licenced therapist, but there are no requirements that must be met for the animal - no training, no identification for them, no registration. A landlord can ask for evidence of the patients’ status before agreeing to make accommodations for an ESA, but cannot ask for medical records. This has allowed people to willfully misunderstand that as “you cannot be asked to prove you need an ESA” and coupled with the lack of anything that is needed to qualify your animal it has become a free for all. Add in the social media era we live in and lots of businesses have been bullied into trying to accept them.

About 10 years ago friends of mine bought a fake vest from Amazon for their yappy dog so they could fly for free with her. Neither of them qualified for it, and we knew the dog was a PitA. But they had the vest and the confidence to challenge anyone who countered them and had got away with it a couple of times. What is remarkable in retrospect is the attitude among my friends over this was an almost 100% predictor for how people would approach Covid.


Apparently, there are certain type of qualified people, on the internet, that for a fee; and without even meeting you; will sell you a letter that has their qualifications attached, stating you need a ESA for your condition - opens the door to be abused in all sorts of circumstances… and here was me thinking I was wasting my time watching Judy Justice - she is a trove of information :0)

Yes, a friend of mine has a dog that senses changes in drops in blood sugar in their diabetic child. It is a potentially life saving intervention similar to how they can prepare an owner for a pending seizure. But importantly these are are not ESAs. The public allowance for these is governed by Disability accommodation laws (such as the Americans with Disabilities Act in the US), which tend to be a lot more fleshed out in terms of the qualifications and verification process.


The story was very unsurprisingly worse than I previously reported.


It’s not important anyway, you see, just statistics:

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Agreed. And it’s not that surprising when you think about it - selfish, entitled fucks.

Typical Moskal scum

Former Russian president and deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, Dmitri Medvedev, wrote today on Telegram:

“Europe must be punished by all means available to us: political, economic and all kinds of hybrid means. And that is why it is necessary to help any destructive processes in Europe. Long live the aggressive pogromists on its historic streets! Long live the crowds of migrants who commit atrocities and hatefully destroy the rainbow European values! May all the disgusting faces of European bureaucrats disappear in the stream of future civil clashes!”

It’s hard not to see such comments in the context of the ongoing Russian hybrid war against Europe.



Exactly Magnus. It’s time Europe (and the UK) confiscated any and all assets owned by those with Russian passports. If they want to own assets or live outside Russia they just have to renounce the Rashists and their citizenship; otherwise any and all their assets can be confiscated and they can be arrested/returned to their peasant homeland. Russia and it’s people are enemies and we need to realise we can’t allow them to white ant our societies.

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I think you go slightly too far.


Finland has actually arrested the entire tanker.
That’s…rare and note worthy.


Can’t Denmark stop all russian vessels (or those heading to Russia) from passing through it’s waters? It would stop most of these sabotage events.