Breaking News Thread

Can any translate the parts in Irish Gaelic?

Why are the Brits surveying Cork harbour? Very fishy.

Stretching the ‘breaking news’ concept there @Kopstar .

In similarly breaking news:

Well fellas, what’s the craic? Whats 'is name yer 'ol man, ya know that fella… will ya ask yer old man if he’ll have a few pints with me as I’m on me tobbler? Thats grand, I’ll wait here, I will now. To be sure, to be sure. Now look at… I just want to ask you a question. I’ve got the patience to wait tree hundred and terty tree minutes for your man to answer, to be sure I do. No don’t act the maggot.

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Why? Didn’t it just happen?

He said “I’m boarding this vessel in order to preemptively protest against any cultural stereotyping on football fan forums which may occur due to my stunt, sorry, I mean action. I hope by boarding this symbol of colonial oppression I will raise awareness of the tedious “jokes” that Irish people have to endure”.

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The first couple of things at the start he’s really just repeating what he has asked in english"can i see the captian please".Towards the end i think? he basically says to the Garda “i don’t have a question for you”.Not sure what he has said right at the end,i think he mentions something about coming back.

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Oirish people who go around speaking gaeilge performatively to foreigners like this ejit are ejits. And this guy sounds like the ejits ejit.

Of course he’s an eejit,i didn’t thonk that was in question .

Who is he?

Scratch that. He’s Diarmaid Ó Cadhla.

I still don’t know anything about him mind. Here’s his website

RIP to all these poor souls. As if suffering from an endless period of war and a return to religious tyranny wasn’t enough…



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The people of Afghanistan have suffered war and bad governments for the last 42 years and the people are still suffering, now mother nature has added to the misery. May these poor people rest in peace and their surviving families get some support to ease their suffering.

’Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un’ - Surely, we belong to God and to him we shall return. Ameen/Amen.


@Magnus @norwegian_wood hope you are OK


@Iftikhar I’m fine, thanks for your concern though, very kind :+1:

I wish I could say I was shocked to wake up to those news, but sadly I’m not. These sort of attacks happen so frequently around the world; somewhere, there’s always a twisted individual with access to weapons.


Speaking of which, anyone heard from @Magnus ?