Breaking News Thread

And the idea that things will be easier to police because you don’t come down hard on it is flawed. If any, because it’s legal, it will become so prevalent with loopholes that no amount of policing will help. Thailand is already now trying to contain the loopholes just in the past few days I am reading.

If course I don’t wish for the government to police every single thing in my life and this government doesn’t and for all the bad things we can say about the Singapore government, the death penalty for drug trafficking will always enjoy the support of majority of the locals.

Yes, because an eye for an eye makes the world go round.

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My point was also more about the circumstances of the murderer. Society has a habit of setting people up to fail in the best circumstances for them to do so, and then acting all shocked when they do fail, and abandoning them, all the while saying “but they had the choice”!

Which they do, but is a massive cop-out considering how the system is, for want of a better turn of phrase, rigged against them.

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I think the racist origins of the criminalisation of marijuana is often overlooked, as is pretty much all evidence we have on addiction. It’s far too easy, especially for politicians, to pontificate on how drug use is a moral failing.


While there are some cases where capital punishment i.e death sentence is justified (acts of hatred/terrorism/mass murdering etc) , I don’t see the same case w.r.t Drug Trafficking.

There is no evidence that recreational marijuana use leads to addiction. But the propaganda against marijuana is such that the governments and the powers that be equate marijuana use to the use of other drugs. It’s easy for companies to sell Alcohol and Tobacco.

AFAIK, dependency on alcohol causes more harm to the families than dependency on Marijuana. This is a blowback over-reaction to the opium wars in China.

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Right, it’s one life for the thousands being destroyed. If it was all about an eye for an eye, all crimes would be treated the same. And I say this with no apologies to seeing drug traffickers getting the death penalty and long may it continue.

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Which thousands? I’d be shocked if a single drug trafficker had that many clients.

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An single addict destroys the whole family. 3 months ago, we caught 3 men with 2kg worth of heroin, enough to feed 1000 addicts for a week. Count in the family and children or parents of these addicts, you see where the destruction is. You can speak from your perspective, I will respect that. But I speak from a perspective of seeing from personal experience of how drug addiction destroys a good family and having their son hung at 21.


Alcohol destroys more families than drugs. Why isn’t alcohol banned then ?


If government wants to ban it I have no issue, so is this another whataboutism thing again? That if we don’t ban this and this, everything else should be allowed? For all we know, the big corporates bribing the government with tax money for alcohol, ciggies may be true, that does not change the fact that heroin and many drugs kill and destroy.

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You’re not answering the question. Is there any reason to believe that the heroin would have reached that many people, apart from the amount? Unless the drug runs are done weekly, there’s no reason to assume that the heroin would cover 1000 addicts.

Yet having their son hung is entirely a political choice, rather than because of the drugs. So your direct personal experience is not directly related to the damages that drugs do, but the choices that your beloved government made.


I get all these numbers from our narcotics bureau. You can challenge them but I believe their estimates of weight vs how many people it feeds. And I can paste all the official release from them and these are only the ones that are caught and release to public. After this 2kg one, just another week later, another 18kg was caught which if distributed would feed 8000 addicts for a week. You can challenge that again, that’s your right. But I am very happy that we have never gave it to pressures from the west, from our neighbors in asia whenever we put someone to death for drug trafficking. And I cannot say enough, long may it continue.

And for what it’s worth, the Singapore law no longer demands mandatory death for 100% of cases, there have been cases where the judges now have the right to give life imprisonment instead but only in very specific cases.

I would end here because we will be going in circles because I stand on the other end from some of you and we will probably never agree on this.

Yes damn right my beloved government, as far as this goes. And proud of it.

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The fact that Singapore glorifies in executing low level couriers caught carrying grams as a sort of a statement when they find heroin worth kg’s itself shows that the strategy isn’t working.

There are drug syndicates in Singapore and for every successful drug raids , there are possibly more which continue operations in secret.

It’s also telling that most of the people on deathrow are not Singaporean citizens but rather low level couriers from other countries who are victims themselves first of all…

To equate drug mules to be getting the same sentence as murderers is barbaric to say the least.

The point about me raising the topic of alcohol is because if the govt really claims to be acting for the good of the people and not about pushing their own agenda forward , it would take the same attitude towards alcohol that it does for drugs.

Also you and me both know that in the absence of marijuana , people in Singapore go to the extent of manufacturing their own drugs (which are more dangerous and toxic) by far than recreational marijuana.


@legalalien any information regarding the motive behind Abe assassination?

Crazy story - and no doubt there will be people that want him to be punished in some way as a result

Seems to be (just) another disgruntled, disenfranchised and entitled individual.

I expect his legal team will go for the idiotic wanker defence.

“I thought that former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi contributed to the expansion of (the religious group), and I thought about killing his grandson, former Prime Minister Abe,” the suspect, 41-year-old Tetsuya Yamagami, told investigators, NHK reported.

“I had a grudge against a particular religious group, and I thought that former Prime Minister Abe had a close relationship with this group,” Yamagami reportedly said. “My mother got into a group and made a large donation and my family life was messed up.”

I’m sure there are plenty of other morons like him in this country, so it’s a good job guns are not freely available, nor even available in a very limited way.