Cars, Driving And All Things Automotive

I certainly wouldn’t dream of driving such distances, especially not in a single day, hence the question.

I think for me, I definitely would prefer just taking the train all the way, especially considering the pollution created by using a 2-tonne vehicle to shift a body weight far less than that.

That said, surely @RedWhippet’s method of using lunch (since you need to take a break anyway) to top up the charge makes a lot more sense?

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I do the long old journeys up and down the UK at least a 3 times a year to see my folks. Will be driving from Hants up to Newcastle and back next week (340ish miles each way) - usually takes 5.30-6 hrs each way, trying to limit to two quick stops.

Did Hants up to Glasgow last year in a single day, around 450 miles, stopping 3 times, once for an hour to give the dog a good stretch of his legs. No need to stop for diesel on that trip either, getting around 570 - 600 on a full tank.

Until the EV infrastructure improves, don’t think those kinds of trips are doable in a single day in the UK (in a reasonable time) - maybe Tesla - but from speaking to a few people that have EVs, the cool down wait, wait for chargers, and waiting for the charging can’t be rushed - fine if you don’t have places to be I guess.

I’ve always been fine with driving long journeys. Wifey and I are considering a road trip to Europe with the pooch next year. Only taken a car to Europe once before, to a wedding in Brittany (sailed to Cherbourg) a few years ago - drive back and the fast-cat ferry were awful as was really hungover.

2 of us, and a dog in the car.
No way was I paying for 2 adults, with minimum 3 train connections
Stopped about 4 times for 10 minute piss breaks.


I fully agree with you there, I think much more should be done to make public transportation like trains the default option for most, if not all.

I’m trying to make all my travels by train, with ferry at the very worst, and it’s not particularly easy. I do enjoy train travel, which helps, but if it constantly takes my level of commitment to make it feasible, then it’s no surprise that most people prefer to stick to cars and planes.

Which is a shame, because I think cars are best used the way most people see bicycles – as a means of leisure rather than having to use them on a daily basis. If you think of it as a fixed pollution budget, I’d rather car enthusiasts got to use as much of it as possible, than having to allocate it to people who are poor drivers, yet trapped in their cars because of a lack of alternatives.

That said, I can’t wait to try a road trip by EV, I think it would fit my style of travel very much.

Me too.
I purposely don’t drive to work, I take the train to and from work.
In all honesty though, it’s because I like a couple of pints on the way home after 3 weeks working.


And you should enjoy it. You’re acting responsibly, unlike the driver of that GLE43 I saw yesterday who couldn’t get off YouTube/Facebook/whatever it is for more than a few seconds while moving between traffic lights.

When I questioned him about it, he said “what business is it of yours, I only watch it at the lights”. Meaning in between lights he’s just choosing which video to watch. Only a matter of time before he kills or severely injures someone.

What’s the point of spending all that money on a car if you’re not enjoying it when you drive, and need to spend your attention on your phone instead?

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I suspect my bladder would give out before the battery these days to be honest.

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As you all know my interest in cars is absolutely zero, but surely I’m not alone in thinking that all white SUVs look like stormtroopers’ helmets. :thinking:

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You’re not the first to notice:

Oh, and because the thieving cunts in Aberdeen want £190 for me to park up for 3 weeks

Or just teach kids basic road safety from the day they can walk. An ounce of prevention?

Kids are prone to not thinking and taking unforeseeable actions.

Mind you, so are adults.

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Which is true but the behavioural phycologists in here (armchair) will I’m sure concede that a brain can be hard wired to take certain actions or not take certain actions. I’m sure there’s a far more complicated sounding name, as I didn’t do a pointless degree, I never learned it.

I’ll go for Pedagogyus Via Salus

It’s the other way around. Neuroplasticity - acquiring new reactions to certain stimuli. It’s changing previous activity rather than hardwiring new ones, it’s just that it is easier to do in children.

There’s a news article here about Tesla shenanigans:

There are a few things that bother me with this: the false advertising, the lack of reliable instrumentation but, above all, the lack of a reliable support network. I know people who have bought electric vehicles from Nissan, BMW, VW and Hyundai and they all seem happy with them. Part of this is that they do what they say they will and any issues can be resolved quickly (and the issue that my Nissan owning friend had was the Sat-Nav, not the car as such).

I’ve also seen reports about electric cars’ poor build quality but when looking at the figures what they point to is poor quality from one manufacturer: Tesla.

I’m interested as to whether Tesla are actually improving their products. They are now a bona fide mass market firm so they aren’t just producing expensive toys for the fecklessly wealthy - or at least they shouldn’t be.

That’s the one. Move the tea / coffee container in your house, take a few weeks to stop going back to the old place.

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Flat out a Type 3 base model and it will do about 18 miles on a full charge.

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At an advertised top speed of 209 km/h that wouldn’t surprise me.

More to the point, how fast does it go through tyres? I just looked up replacement tyres and they seem to be 225€ a throw. The same for my car is 97€. I’m not sure what the exact top speed is but it is something similar.

This is something that I’m really not fussed about. It’s got some quite angry.

Are there roads that should have a 20mph limit? Yes definitely.
Should it be universal across all built up areas? Maybe not, but these days I’m kind of leaning more towards the whole world needing to slow the hell down.
One thing I am slightly concerned about us abrupt changes in speed limit that can occur in some areas. Better to transition imo but changing speed limits is not as easy as slapping some signs up.

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