That’s the theme I am going to stick with…actually, the colour combo is similar to TIA.
The grey theme is too dark for me.
That’s the theme I am going to stick with…actually, the colour combo is similar to TIA.
The grey theme is too dark for me.
I always use mobile. Here I am quite confused due to many options and not able to tell clearly what is what.
Any dark mode works for me.
Click on the hamburger menu,
We have a choice of a few dark themes (I created this morning due to demand)
Personally I would start with : β- Black&Gold as a starting point.
If you dont like that try β- gray and amber or β-experimental skin.
All the ones you mentioned looks awesome.
Just had a quick look and so far, the β- Black&Gold is the one that seems to be my preference, but will play around over the next few days and see how things progress
I’m using simple header and footer, but with the colour pallet changed to Red, Black, Gold.
This seems to keep the menus, top posts etc. all in 1 single colour
As above, this is how mine looks
Could you set the colour pallet to default, and then try some of the skins from the Hamberger menu ?
I wrote some code, which I applied to all the Beta skins, which means it should not display the white bars
The black/gold/red is boss.
Yep that works. Now spoilt for choice
Agree! Just switched to it. Black gold red, where have you been all my life?
Whatever I select doesn’t work?
Could be a few things.
To rule out it being an issue with your account. If you could log out (Click on Avatar, Cog, Logout), and once logged out, can you change your theme using Hamberger menu ?
If that doesnt work, have you got a different browser to try it? (just to rule out its not a cookies problem)
Let me know how you get on
Not sure yet, which is my favourite. But I’ve narrowed it down to a few.
So far, I think it will be Simple Header/Footer. Probably most reminiscent of the latest TIA look.
Not a fan of black/grey, a bit sad to stare at that for hours a day.
I do like the different letter font from Minima Red/Red, it’s really nice. But the whole format is bigger.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but it does not matter what I click on Black&Gold, for instance, it stays 99% white no change at all. I’m on a iMac, could that be it?
No it should work on all platforms.
If you log out if your account, can you change themes ?
That helps me separate if it’s an account issue or a computer one
I have loved out, closed the window and still the same problem, noting changes.
Not sure if it will work but worth a try.
Try a different browser, or your mobile. Find the theme that you like.
Next go to your profile, preferences and then click on interface.
There is a tick box for applying current skin to all your devices. Hopefully if you click that. Once you start your Mac it should work.
I will try that and let you know if it worked. Thanks.
Black and gold is pretty comfortable to look at