Here are some ideas. Cold War Steve advent calendar
Hellscape jigsaw puzzle
Other great stuff from Cold War Steve on his site.
We normally spend Christmas at my Father-in-law’s place but not sure if this will be allowed this year. Might have to cook the dinner myself this year ffs but at least I’ll be able to get pissed up, swear at the kids and grope my wife. Christmas old skool.
I will spend Christmas reflecting on this year gone by. The pandemic has caused chaos in my life, I lost my job but yet thankful that I have lost 43KG thus far off my body weight, as of yesterday, my doctor has taken me off all diabetic medications and cholesterol statins. So I am going to take stock this year and be thankful that despite me losing my source of income, I have gained alot this year in terms of my health and in perspective, all I have lost is just a job.
Just the 3 of us for Christmas Dinner, cooked by me. I absolutely, totally and utterly can’t wait. I love my wider family but home and hearth is where the true family is. Kick off with Kir Royal then prep dinner. A few cheeky drinks, huge lunch. Games and a film then collapse about 5pm. Relaunch at 9 for a mad family night
The world has gone fucking mad. I’m a straight man who has been listening to this record since it was released in 1987; hasn’t turned me into a homophobe or anything else, for that matter.
I know it may not feel like it. But maybe it should. Maybe we should give more thanks this year than any other. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Stay safe, stay healthy, and look ahead.