CL Pre Game incident news/clarifications

Obviously Tony Evans himself was addressing a wider audience in response to the comments he had seen, but those comments had been repeated on here across various threads. @redalways has been part of the conversation pushing back on that, and so seemingly posted that comment to bolster his point.

Identifying them as anything other than locals is going to be difficult to do accurately, and people inclined to do so should be aware it is a line certain to be pushed by those with a political agenda completely unrelated to us. Most importantly though, it adds no information of value.

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I don’t recall anybody describing them as ‘Algerian immigrants’. They are French citizens , second or third generation descendants. And there are a lot of them in that area of Paris. We shouldn’t shy away from the facts for fear of being accused of helping the right push their racist agenda.


I completely agree. But what I disagree with is the focus on them. Such events are always going to be prime targets for crime, especially with the opportunity to target tourists and take advantage of any chaos.

The question should be, why was the organisation so poor and why was the policing abysmal (and seemingly complicit in the crimes)?

I’m not absolving them of the blame, I’m simply pointing out that something like that could have been anticipated and pre-empted by the relevant people, and yet they didn’t do anything except exacerbate the situation. And you just know the likes of Le Pen and Zemmour are going to seize on every single mention of ethnicity and origins to push their twisted agendas.


I think the point is, what help does it give to Liverpool fans (and all fans who want to avoid what we saw on Sat) to point out a specific ethnic group of people? It doesn’t in the slightest - all’s it does is allow the narrative to move away from the source of the problem in the first place - The Police not doing their jobs.

I don’t think anyone who was out in Paris and attacked/robbed/slashed by these gangs gives a shit what the ethnic origin of the groups were - the fact it happened is the issue.


Funnily enough , it only seems to be here that people are talking about the ethnic make-up of those involved. In France , as far as I’m aware , there has been little or no discussion of it (apart from the usual suspects , like you say). They are clearly not interested in anything that might get in the way of their entirely false narrative of events. I’ve seen other posters mention that there’s been some blowback against the official line in France but Darmanin I think is far too important for Macron to let him fall on his sword. We are just going to have to wait and see if UEFA’s investigation turns out to be a sincere attempt to get to the truth. And I seriously doubt that will prove to be the case.


Here as in the forums or? I assume it was significant enough that the reporting I’ve seen on the French reaction to this covered Le Pen and Zemmour’s blaming it on immigrants.

Just out of curiosity, why?

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Yeah , here I’m talking about.

There was talk that Darmanin would lose his job in government after Macron’s re-election , after all the controversy surrounding the Jilets Jaunes protests and police brutality but apparently Macron has decided it’s better to keep him close for the fear of the mischief he could make outside of the government. He’s a real poster boy of the right and that’s a demographic that Macron cannot afford to lose if he wants to push on with his agenda.

The gangs around St Denis are predominantly ethnic minority. But why is that? Zero introspection from French authorities if they seek to blame certain groups without asking why do these young people feel so disenfranchised?


Years of institutional racism , a colonial legacy , and that topped off with what many of them see as attacks on their religion in the wake of the war on terror and France’s tradition of secularism. A terrifying , and deadly , mix of grievances.


Among many other things, that’s right. The question was kind of rhetorical - one for the authorities to think on, except they won’t.


2 things to point out, 2nd and mainly 3rd generation ‘immigrants’ so French.
They were easily identifiable from LFC supporters so could easily be kept in check by even the least decerning of policemen.

To me it seems obvious that one of the biggest problems is that policing wasn’t about the safety of anyone least of all about the safety of supporters (even Madrid supporters were getting mugged in plain sight of police). It was about controlling, funnelling and imo abusing supporters whether that put them and others in danger or not.
It’s the response of fuckwits incapable of organising a piss up in a brewery.
Strike called on the RER B again for the France Denmark match, we’ll see if they have learnt anything.

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IF, and I mean fucking IF there were some big fraud with fake tickets being sold on the secondary market through reputable ticket trading websites, then this is STILL a massive fucking failure on the part of UEFA and the French government. UEFA for not being able to prevent the fake ticket issue, and the French Government/police force for not being remotely prepared to police such an event. If tens of thousands of people buy tickets from ticketmaster or stubhub or wherever, and those tickets turn out to be fake, how can the purchasers of said tickets be held responsible? Fucking nonsense.


They are being investigated, a group of ‘influencers’ on social media. So it seems that my fears are confirming. Thousands of young people follow these cretins.
Cyril Hanouda is trying very hard to distance himself from these idiots, he has already said how sorry he is for those that didn’t get in, however the complicity seems evident.
They are all fame seekers. One called Rayanne B seems a particularly nasty piece of work.
Social media fame seekers. I don’t know anything about them however the mass tentative to entre the SdF seems to be related imo


2,800? Probably even less than that with faulty scans.


This is extremely confusing. I don’t think the reason given for the French police’s displeasure at Darmanin is correct.

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Defence of Liverpool fans :heavy_check_mark:
Dig at Brexit :heavy_check_mark:

I approve of this article.

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I’m not exactly sure what that figure is meant to relate to but I’m assuming that it is 'failed to scan" which would include the mayor’s ticket, Andy Robertson’s mate and so on.

The figure relates to 1 in 29 of stadium capacity and without an assessment of the actual failed tickets there is no way of determining how many were actual forgeries.

I’m assuming that if there were fakes they would be less likely to be in the Liverpool or Real ends as they would have come straight from the clubs rather than the UEFA allocation which found their way to the touts.