CL Pre Game incident news/clarifications

The French Interior Minister and French Sports Ministers are getting huge pelters of criticism by their own French citizens that the whole event was a huge shambles and dangerous chaos. It is embarrassing for the whole France in their view.

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Indeed it is, but we see the same on own shores, with politicians doubling down and laugh in the faces of their voters when they are caught out. Partygate’s a recent example.

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And then went on to blame Liverpool fans for the disorder.

Carragher should have twatted him.


Yeah…Thierry looking pretty fucking bad here…


Except I have no doubt at all that this perception influenced the police thinking on organizing this. They prepared for criminals and treated everyone they came into contact as a likely one. I think that influenced the awful logistical approach, and also likely motivated their disinterest in actually policing gang related crime outside the stadium, because to them it was all the same.

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I don’t think that PSG will be involved here. It’s not their stadium, and they have nothing to do with it.


Al-Khelaifi is not in UEFA. He is the head of the ECA, which the body that represents the interest of European clubs in negations with UEFA.


He’s both. Even before he was elected Chairman of the ECA he was on UEFA’s Executive Committee.


He took his seat on the UEFA EC due to his role as the head of the ECA

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It’s his second term.

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Either way, hes balls deep with UEFA, and his team has the best football product at this time in Mbappe.

Has Mbappe stayed silent on the treatment of fans of two clubs hes claimed to have love for?

Here is that same man with the woman in another video.

Which started about 12 months ago.

That original article is from 2019, reporting on his initial appointment. Another example here that makes clear its an initial appointment

“28/05/22 Police prefects, your incompetence is now shown to the world.”


Quite. He first became a member of UEFA’s Executive Committee 2 years before he became Chair of the ECA.

It’s not correct to say he isn’t in UEFA when he’s been sitting on UEFA’s Executive Committee for more than 3 years.


Yes, it was definitely a failure of organisation by the authorities, no doubt about that. But there’s nothing racist about stating the fact that Liverpool fans were attacked, by gangs of local French males. I’ve no idea, what their racial background is, but it happened.


I suspect the tweet is directed more at French people (assuming journos/mps) who are now singling out minorities, and in essence distancing themselves from it being a problem caused by their own people - oh bother, those ethnics at it again.

I don’t think it is directed at us (in England or Liverpool fans) - we are doing no wrong by pointing out that our fans were attacked by local French gangs.


It’s aimed at the people who are not just saying it was locals causing trouble, but Algerian immigrants, which is what @redalways cautioned against perpetuating.


Yeah whichever ethnic group they go for - my point is, the tweet’s not directed at us. Albeit it could be if there are tweets galore going around from Liverpool fans slagging of Algerians? Edit - I think we are in agreement on this?!

Does make me laugh if the French are pointing fingers at Algerian communities - wonder how the likes of ZIdane, Mbappe and Benzema feel about that?