CL Pre Game incident news/clarifications

We really shouldn’t let UEFA, police, and other French authorities get away with this. Otherwise, a lot of people are going get hurt in the future.

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Apparently they were out of order, wtf

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Behind the headline, there’s a good interview with a journo who was there.

Really can’t get my head around what the police and stadium staff thought they were doing, from the outside it looks like they were trying to provoke a riot. More likely that it was incompetence and lack of leadership leaving scared individuals to make bad decisions, but then there are so many common stories that it really does sound like a ‘coordinated’ approach. Turning a blind eye to local gangs attacking fans, just incredible. Locked gates and no communication to the fans outside, wtf! These are paying customers! A lot of people sound like they were genuinely terrified for there lives. So glad everyone is physically safe.


They keep going on about fake tickets but haven’t produced 1!


Hey UEFA, define independent.


The cynic in me says they’ll just manufacture one when they need it.

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my apologies to @Draexnael whom corrected me on what was happening there. what I was first seeing were media reports which were following the narrative and not correct. I should know better.



blackadder goes forth george GIF

Independent of any other scrutiny than their own.

Sounds legit :man_shrugging:

Reviewing legal avenues on behalf of supporters.


Police National are now saying it was the fault of the prefet de police because they were never told to arrest sellers of fake tickets or gangs robbing supporters. FFS This is real right wing claptrap!


This implies to me 2 major points imo (reading between the lines).
The police brigade employed at the LFC section of SdF is under reprimand from the prefecture (probably for failure of duty) so they hit back criticising the prefet (government).
There’s no proof of fake tickets (or insufficient).

IMO the 1st is the most important as if there’s enough plaints put in and prosecutions made against them the complete mess politically this will cause will be monstrous. I mean the police are biting the hand that not only feeds them but protects them. It will all fall apart unless the cacaphony becomes so loud noone has a clue what’s going on.
Field day for Le Pen. :rofl:

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Adam Lallana.


String Darmanin up. Fucking despicable cunt! :rage:

They must be worried having to implicate individuals!