CL Pre Game incident news/clarifications

Some of the reports on here and on rawk are horrendous. At the moment I’d say, if LFC are drawn to play Paris, that not one single solitary fan should show up. Am sure someone will come up with a better response in time, but sod them.


this tweet thread in Spanish from a Madrista, but similar experience

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BREAKING :rotating_light:

Tom Werner letter rages at ‘irresponsible’ comments from French minister about Liverpool fans #LFC.


What is bizarre forme is that SdF is used to hostingbig events and without issue, to my knowledge. Why the hell was everything different now?

I’m increasingly disgusted at what I’m reading in this and angered at the French messaging.


The bitch of it is, no matter how many media people inbeded with our supporters who reported what they saw, no matter how much truthful evidence that is presented by neutrals, those that hate this club will ignore it all, and that really stinks.

I’m too old to care what the people who hate us anyway think. It helps, believe me … :joy:


I think Liverpool and Madrid should make a joint statement.


For one of the 3 or 4 largest spectator events in the known universe!!!

Words escape me…

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Would be 100x more powerful. I gather Madrid fans didn’t go through the same level of endangerment as Liverpool mainly because of luck of stadium end, but a joint statement would go a long way to clarify and reinforce issues were systemic and not related to any bad actor element


Has anyone verified the reports on RAWK about lots of fans being slashed with knives, knocked unconscious etc? I haven’t heard of any serious injuries, thank God. Could have been a major loss of life in that shambles

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Our CEO has demanded a full apology from the French minister about her premature accusation of the Liverpool supporters even after the evidence to the contrary was piling up but one significant point UEFA have backtracked and now are asking for an indépendant inquiry to be conducted


More evidence from Real Madrid fans standing together with LFC fans. It is coming out now. The French authorities haven’t got a leg to stand on.


@Flobs and anyone who lives in France. What do you think?

This is an important read, not sure who wrote this.

@Flobs Btw, i sent that video to LFC in that online form with your translation, the name of that tv host and your perspective on it etc. I had to edit your swear words, hope you didn’t mind :blush:. Those Stadiers should be suspended.


I expect it will happen, Rangers and Frankfurt did one today so they will be working together on something I have no doubt.


My wife picked this up on Twitter ;

L’Intérieur: : « c’est les Anglais »

  • La gauche: « c’est le préfet Lallement »
  • La droite: « c’est les jeunes immigrés »
  • La police: « c’est la grève du RER B »
  • Les Sports: « c’est les faux billets »
  • L’UEFA: « c’est le Stade »



But, but … but parc des princes is one of the best stadiums in the world and … nowhere near St Denis.

I live in France and was making the same point early on in this thread. My sister-in-law works in a school for under-privileged kids there and has been telling us for years just how bad it is.


I find some of the stuff worrying in that monologue. Some is not relavant and should be put aside.
I think that perhaps many of those seen jumping the fence were from St Denis but the gangs attacking supporters (robbing) probably not.
St Denis is enormous and has a number of mairies some areas have been prioritised for government and charity (associative) aide, there’s some decent areas as well.
I don’t think choosing to make this another UK vs France thing again helpful. We see this all so often when police and local services (in this case the metro and SdF) fuck up. There’s cover up. As LFC fans we know this all so well and should know better.

I do think that the reputation of UK football culture (which in general hasn’t changed despite it having changed enormously) means that UK teams get the short end of the stick when it comes to decideing which ‘end’ of a stadium they are allocated (our clubs should do more to get ‘us’ the better ends) which means we end up in dump sites and considering how many UK fans travel this is fucking nuts. We should get the end with easiest access and best facilities but it all ends up the opposite (we really need to use more pressure to reverse this).

I think if there’s stuff to concentrate on is French National Police (who are really the pits) and French government for being incompetent (like most governments but the laisser faire they have practiced with the police is destroying ‘Cities’ in France not just St Denis).


The usual cacaphonie then! :cry: