Climate Catastrophe

Nothing to see here because the poles are colder
its always sunny in philadelphia nothing to see here GIF by HULU

Yep, fantastic resource for conveying physical demonstration of technique, etc. But the idea that the prime competitor for Trudeau’s spot as PM now has taken guidance from Youtube crypto videos on what monetary and fiscal policy for Canada should look like is downright terrifying.

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Or when kids research the benefits of LSD from foolish mystics thereupon. Not good.

My condolences. I hope they don’t get near power.

EVs are not a magic silver bullet. They are a serious attempt to move away from reliance on fossil fuels. EVs have their own issues, and the lady in the video touched on several legitimate concerns.

None of it changes the underlying issue that we need to move away from fossil fuels.

We are still quite early in the process of doing that, and I am confident that in time we will improve.

What is the best option going forward, in your opinion? Hydrogen?

That is my sense, despite the significant limitations of that technology. Use renewables to produce hydrogen, hydrogen fuel cells to drive vehicles. I just don’t see a way to move all transportation energy consumption over to a technology that relies on an element as scarce as lithium, and as it scales it will get worse. I don’t see a battery technology out there that combines the energy density required with the material availability.


This is where I think governments are way behind the curve at the moment. Granted there will always be a lot of use cases for private vehicles, particularly in non-urban environments, but there really needed to be massive investment in public transport a long time ago.

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Flat earthers are rocking it.

Home improvement channel?

The perceived lack of a push in the direction of hydrogen is a little worrying to be honest. For the reasons you quote it seems the logical choice but very little seems to be pushed on it at the moment. Everyone seems to be pushing the battery tech instead.

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Leaning more towards Darwin myself.

Darn it. I forgot they don’t believe in him either.

Hydrogen has gained a lot of prominence in the past two years, but inherently it needs a whole new infrastructure. EVs need significant infrastructure investment, however nothing radically new or different. Just bigger gauge lines and faster chargers at petrol stations. That is both the reason for near-term growth, and the reason why in the end I don’t think they can solve the problem they are claimed to solve.

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Theories claiming Andrew Tate has been silenced by Big Climate in 3, 2, 1

I should really switch off my predictive text.

I looked at his tweets last night.
They’d be doing us a favour if they did.

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Such a shame the pizza story is likely not true

Would have been funny AF.

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Was banned from twatter until Musk allowed him back - says everything you need to know about both cunt stains.

Edit: Just seen several comments about this not being the first time he’s been arrested for human trafficking, but no idea how true these comments are.

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High of 9 C today, and a whole week of positive temperatures with a 10 deg C day later this week. Everything is a melting mess, absolutely hate these conditions. When they happen in March, at least you can tell yourself it is Spring, but 10 days from now it will likely flip to -25C and turn the streets into a skating rink.

I so much prefer the winters of my childhood, where the snow would fall in November and reliably stay until late March - and conditions like this would perhaps happen once in a five year span, not a couple of times per month. It was apparently warmer in Montreal on Boxing Day than in Orlando.