Climate Catastrophe

Nice mild and sunny here in the south of France. Love it when the Ch’tis are having it bad. :grin:


Rabbits looked at me this-morning and as I can read their expressions they definitely said “When will it dry up please, we’re fluffy not scaley!”

A derogatory way used by some (Paris and Southern parts of the country) to call the French who live in the Northern parts of the country (especially Lille and Pas-de-Calais).

For some reason, the French regions in the North suffer from the same contempt than Northern England. It’s apparently funny to laugh about miners and workers who are out of work and suffer from hardship.

We love the Ch’tis, their fromage blanc, fromage frais and french fries moules … They just speak funny! :smiley:


Or FrenCH! :wink:

My wife is from the area (though speaks normal French) and she often puts on the over-the-top Ch’ti patois for me. I’m not sure its what I want the kids picking up. I’m going to be honest and say that I haven’t actually heard anyone speaking like that here, though maybe I’m not putting myself out there enough!

To be fair, weather-wise that isn’t hard!

Step 2 - burn all the ducks because they are in fact witches.

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geese may be a bit more palatable?

They give as good as they get, that’s why it’s all good natured.
Then again I don’t know what the Parisiens say, it’s not like us in the south go invading the north for or holidays like them is it?

CLimate change is bad but it has not become desperate yet, at least not until Singapore starts snowing.

Isn’t about half of Singapore within 5 meters of sea level? I don’t think snow will be the problem


I was half jesting because if SIngapore ever snows, it will be the final sign that this world is truly fucked haha! But yea, we are devoting or estimating we need 100billion over the next 100 years just to protect us from rising sea levels.


The sun is setting for now for Singapore’s solar energy plans

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Will tectonic plate movement ever result in Singapore moving to the poles I wonder?

Probably a scorched earth by then so you’re still safe I’d say.

That was always a very questionable project, simply because of transmission distances. I would not characterize that as a failure of solar energy plans in Singapore, and there are a surprising number of deployment opportunites. I just recently reviewed a business case for investment in floating arrays on one of the reservoirs on the western side of the island (Tengeh maybe?)

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We are already having some floating solar fields in 2 of our reservoirs. Solar energy while in theory very feasible for us is just not easy for us to implement and space is a huge one. Even the project with Sun Cable with such a big space allocated will only bring us 15% of our energy needs. So we definitely need to harness all possible space that we can possibly use.

I don’t mind having some penguins in Singapore beaches

Cover every rooftops with solar panels and connect them to the grid.

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