Climate Catastrophe

there’s meat in africa?

hungry lions GIF by Nat Geo Wild

Free range tofu

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Would have loved that when I was fit and healthy the only problem is having the land to do it.
The thing is when you see the quantity of ‘meat’ an average american eats one despairs.
The augmentation in the quantity of meat Chinese eat over the last few decades is staggering.
Someone somewhere has to start making an effort rather than excuses, no?

This is all true, with the caveat that “enough protein” is a loaded term with a mixed meaning.

In most uses (the ones that say things like “westerns eat too much protein anyway”) it is referencing how much you need to avoid protein deficiency related conditions, and that amount is pretty low and obtainable even without consuming anything that is considered a high protein source. On a meat free diet, eating only food with what are considered “incomplete” proteins, you will need a varied diet to make sure you’re getting the full range of essential amino acids, which is what you were referencing, but in terms of getting “enough” protein it’s pretty easy.

The flip side is that protein in and of itself, ignoring the sources that it is often obtained from, is beneficial in fairly linear terms and levels far above what is “enough”. This is especially true in an environment of caloric abundance like most of the developed world is. Meeting those levels at the higher range of what is beneficial gets increasingly difficult to obtain from only plant sources and does at the higher end make it a pretty uncomfortable approach to a diet.

I didn’t start a garden until we bought this house. And even then, it wasn’t in the plans. My great aunt (now 87yo) came by for a visit and saw that the back corner had been a garden plot at some point and encouraged me to try it. She came a few weeks in a row and taught me how to amend the soil, how to plant seeds, watering and the timing of things. First year or two was tough, to start third season I started over by finding an old greenhouse on craigslist and repairing it (cost me $250 including replacement of broken glass, took me 2 days to disassemble and another 10 days to rebuild it). Made raised garden boxes to allow water to drain through and prevent root rot.

Now I am here, before and after last season


It is, and I have to correct myself because I made that statement without noting Africa is a huge continent with many countries. So to be specific I am only talking only about some of the African countries I deal with.

Nice one Semmy.

That’s not actually very specific though so why don’t you name them. Nobody is going to sue you if you say Mozambique, for example.

I wondered who’d been murdering all my ex girlfriends.

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I won’t. And if it’s important to you, apologies but I won’t.

Blasphemer! GIF | Gfycat

Not sure why you won’t as like I said, nobody is going to sue you for saying so. Makes no sense to me but anyway. However if you aren’t going to qualify your generalisation with actual specifics then perhaps don’t make them?

Just go with snails and frogs legs.

Star Trek What GIF


Another symptom of the disease which has befallen us as a species:

It seems that now it’s the turn of octopuses to be placed and killed in what can only be named concentration camps. Despite the fact that they are scientifically and oficially recognised as sentient beings… if you want to manifest your disapproval, you can sign the following petition:

And if you think that octopuses are merely another kind of fish, watch My Octopus Teacher, a deeply moving documentary film about the growing friendship between a diver and an octopus. It will change your mind.

Edit: I realize that the above isn’t directly related to climate change, but the driving factor between the two is the same: greed, greed, greed.


great film.

If it goes through, would be a blow to animal welfare groups. What do you all think? Misguided? Over-reacting? Correct?

While I am no fan of artificial meat, I think to the extent of making it a legal ban, to me is over-reacting as I am a fan of providing food alternatives to people for their own choice to make, with the right information of course.


I’m fairly certain this Italian government has also tried to ban GPT models.

There may be valid reasons for these bans, but I’m pretty sure it’s just a snowflake government distracting from their own failures as per usual.


My uncle was a UK scientific advisor to the EU (or EC as it was) in the early 1980s. One of their big challenges was to get the microfungal meat substitute marketed as Quorn accepted. Much of the pushback came from the livestock industry. I believe, in the end, that they were convinced that this would only be of appeal to vegetarians and, hence, would not directly affect meat production.

Where artificial meat will impact the livestock industry is when it becomes cheaper to produce than meat. I’m not sure it is that far scaled, yet.