Curtis JONES: 2023/24

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Read a stat just now that Jones has more goal contributions already this season than our entire midfield did last year :joy:

EDIT: And amusingly, about 6 or 7 of those from last season were from Jones


It wouldn’t surprise me.

5 goals and 3 assists, yeah.

Goal contribution of around 1 in 4 in his senior career, that’s quality.

He’s got nothing else other than just not lose focus, just keep going in both directions, stay fit for longer periods and it might get even better.


Yup, Jones at the moment is probably most improved. I do think he can become a mainstay under a future coach because he has the quality.

With the quality coming through we really could save the cash for one or two big outlets.


Returning the protective boot.


I know a lot people are very frustrated with his performances in the last two games, but, do understand that he just returned from a long injury and it takes time to return to sharpness.

A lot of people seem to be desperate for the lad to fail.

Only the ones who pop up when we lose and completely disappear the rest of the year.

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I think he should have been back more gradually.

But let’s face it if it was one player we’d not have lost the last two.



Congratulations. :heart: :pray:

Aren’t they a bit too young to be parents?

23 isn’t THAT young, especially as footballers grow up in many ways quicker than normal young men (although stay infantile in other ways) and he wont have any of the financial concerns that other parents to be of his age will have. Something that makes him go home after training instead of doing something that could get him in trouble is not the worst thing in the world for a rich kid with lots of time on his hands.


Not necessarily.

Foden doesn’t know if he has more kids or trophies. He probably just finds them around the house like Easter eggs.

:joy: :sunglasses:

Kyle Wanker…how many children are we up to…wife or girlfriend…

Wayne Rooney…how many children are we up to…wife or granny hooker?..