Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

Won 2 games out of 5 - Brighton and Barnsley.

New signings look average, old players look average. Promising stuff.

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There wasn’t any logic to the signings they bought who was most expensive and most fashionable not who would fit best.

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He learned how to manage a side from Mourinho, not surprising he is using the Mourinho playbook. Alonso is wearing the horns for this first cycle

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Werner is sitting out, saving himself for his next contract.

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I can see Frank being at home right about now comfort eating,stuffing his fat little face with loads of pie and mash.


…and your black friends and relatives.

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Come in number Lampard, you’re times up…

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Pep will prob pay for Terry - he can get that Colombian bam bam with ease.

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Re. The Alonso situation, Frank is just posturing and making it clear he’s in charge and togetherness is important. The problem with this somewhat outdated approach is that modern day players and snowflakes. But gotta respect it. All or nothing time for Lampard.

No love loss between Jose and Frank today then, seemed a bit of a repeat of Frank giving it the biggun.

Frank is just looking to have his head kicked in isn’t it!?


“Only 25 trophies you’ve won and your giving it the big un. Sit down and Fuck off”.


Nah it doesn’t work and it’s bullying, I have a respect for people who can communicate one to one and in this case man to man, he needed to seek out an audience because he isn’t big enough to discuss it one to one.

It was never about being tough, it was about the being a bully and the pretence that you were in control when you were anything but.

It’s the likes of Lampard who moan at anything and everything that are snowflakes (Though I’m not a fan of the term at all, it’s slightly pathetic).


Fuck Frank. I’m taking Mou’s side and I have NO idea what is being said. Frank is acting irrational and unhinged and it is a really unbecoming look for him. He is cracking under the pressure.


Wow. That is pure gold. Werner rolling over already on his new manager. I can’t see this ending well for Frank. :joy::man_facepalming:

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To be honest the way he acted to Pep Ljinders was pretty snide and it’s clouded my view of him ever since.

Who even says that to a fellow professional…Shanks would have knocked him down a peg or two if he had started to slag off the boot room.




Probably the biggest attention seeking prick in football today.

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You’re welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:


I feel like he wanted to use that draw with West Brom like Klopp did with our draw to West Brom. Only Klopp knew why he was doing it whereas Lampard just copied an action without understanding the context.


Big deal of an incident. :joy:

Get them on Jerry Springer.

I’d also have no problems with Werner’s reaction. You can have the opposite where managers have said they’re disappointed with the player not being honest.