Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

I think he’ll have fucked off by then.

Chelsea lucky you don’t require 40 points this season for safety.

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I make that 5 points out of a possible 57 if these were all league games.

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“Listen up you dumb fucks! You all knew I don’t know shit about soccerball. How come nobody told me this guy was a fuckin’ putz huh?” “But boss we di…” BLAP BLAP BLAP BLAP “DONT FUCKIN’ INTERRUPT ME BOY!”

Who was the 3-0?


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The best thing about it is the absolute goading they did in January after they signed about 5 players.

Don’t worry, Frank. No one will hold this against you…outside of London.

I can’t blame the fella for banking the cheques to be honest. It’s not like he’s fucking over people who can’t afford it, and the ones whose pants he’s pulling down probably deserve it. I bet he can’t believe his fucking luck! He’s made Uncle Harry very proud :grinning::+1:
Edit: Plus it’s fucking hilarious :rofl::+1:

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Frank’s missus when he tells her how much he’s been offered to ‘fuck off’ this time be like
Christine-Bleakley~2 (1)

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It is hilarious.

It’s also a bit sad that it seems he genuinely can’t see his mediocrity as a manager. He honestly thinks 1 win in the last (20?) games shouldn’t damage his reputation. Like someone who thinks they can sing going for audition after audition. Difference is he gets the gigs.

You’re right it is hilarious.


To me he has to go down as one of the worst, if not the worst PL manager in history. He is up there with George Weahs cousin playing for Southampton.

No other manager has gone to teams, spent so much and left them in such bad state.

In the last three years he spent

€247 at Chelsea
€78M at Everton

He might only recently have come back to Chelsea but he is just picking up from his own legacy.

Honestly I bet Frank plays FM, cheats by adding a second player to purchase his surplus and increase his budget, and still gets relegated.


With the caveat that he didnt spend the money. Very much so at Chelsea it was not only not his targets but he didnt necessarily want the expensive players pawned off on him.

I was discussing with a Chelsea-supporting friend today about the possibility that they could finish bottom out of the London teams in the Premier League this season. What odds would you have got about that happening at the start of the season?

Personally, I’d find it absolutely hilarious.


Fwat fwank is now claiming he should be given a pass for being ‘too experienced’. The IQ strikes again.

“I’m too experienced in football, as a player and now as a coach, to understand”

Talking about turning it around and mentioning Arsenal.

Everyone and his dog knows that Boehly isn’t keeping him on :joy:

Be funny if he did :see_no_evil::joy:

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Remember he loves being there

Fuck me they are absolutely shite.


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Harsh on Lampard really.

You have to remember this isn’t really his team. I say they should retain his services and give him another £200m to spend over the summer.