Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

Thiago will leave after the season. Someone has to replace him surely?


We broke them in more ways than 1.


Well Caciedo tried and has taken out 1 maybe 2 of ours.


This is turning into a parody now


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Fuck. I don’t know if I want that to be true or not true

Was Boehly’s ex wife a Chelsea fan or something?


With the ideas he comes out with, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out she’s a Spurs fan.

I’m sitting in a hotel bar laughing my head off at this whilst everyone is eyeing me nervously with a “don’t go near that guy” look


Steve Kerr is probably waking up to his name in stories saying ‘WTF’, and wondering how he can break the news to Boehly.

Steve is a 430am Saturday morning kickoff kind of guy

Boehly might well try to make this into a real life version of Ted Lasso.

See the clusterfuck happening with weekly episodes on Netflix.

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Maybe that could be the name of the show. Chelsea FC - The Clusterfuck

The Clusterfuck FC :thinking:

If WWE can get a Netflix deal , anyone can.


This bit is taking the piss:

Injuries have made it hard for Pochettino to rotate and his options in midfield will be limited by Lavia’s absence

What the guy who you’ve played all of 30mins? The ridiculous journalistic treatment of injuries at some clubs cf times when we’ve had actual injury crises.


In retrospect it’s like he did sign for us.


I do think we fucked him about a bit, though he made the same silly quotes about history.

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I had a discussion yesterday with an investor who is very active in football financing. I asked him his opinion about Chelsea, because to me from the outside, it sure looks like ownership doesn’t know what they are doing.

He said it’s worse than it looks. He said the ownership thought they were smarter than everyone else, overpaid for a bunch of young but unproven talent, tied them to long-term contracts, now can’t sell these youngsters, have to respond by selling homegrown talent, and will likely lose a couple hundred million pounds this season alone. He said he expects Boehly to if not be pushed aside then for someone else to invest and be the face of the club. They could be hobbled for years.


Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.


Seems almost inevitable that Pochettino will be heaved over the side, which is a more significant development than it might be taken for at first glance - we are all quite accustomed to Chelsea managers being relatively short-term appointments. But Pochettino was absolutely not supposed to be that, his hiring was meant to be a change in direction and philosophy. Who would replace him now? Someone willing to take the gig for a year and a half or so, fully expecting to be fired but happy enough to take Chelsea’s money.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss…

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Last summer I would have agreed.

However, he has spent half the season calling for more signings. Unless that has been a political decision knowing the board were going to sign players whether he wanted them or not and so wanted to show public support for that, I don’t really see him having put himself out there to be a genuine change in direction.

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I mentioned this on Twitter and was told that I knew nothing about finance or football. Then again, the individual who had a go at me was flogging NFTs and Crypto.