Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

Who is the Chelsea youtuber and is on talksport now and then, he was slating the club for making him captain for those reasons.

Rory Jennings.

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The Bake-Off tent.

I thought the same thing, but I don’t have a great sense of what would be normal in the UK climate

I have little love for Raheem, but this take from the BBC pundits seems way off

The players who were already there before Bohley’s group started this absurd project, or in sterling’s case, signed right at the beginning of it before it was apparent hows insane their approach was, have had their careers negatively impacted by it. Why is it their responsibility to put the club and team mates ahead of their own interest while being employed by a company who clearly treats them all like assets to moved around with in an excel document?


Forget all the other business, giving a 6 year contract to Joao Felix should bring about an investigation into what Boehly’s motives actually are.

Absolute insanity.


How does Boehly operate his American franchise ?

Pretty much the same way.


Makes one wonder why he is assembling two actual teams. One to play/merge in the USA league at some point maybe, exhibition types on a weekly basis, or even the sand dune league further down the line… :man_shrugging:
Got to admit, it is easy to feel a tad foolish, in not being able to dissect his motives. Not clued up enough on the loopholes of/for money laundering. Same with tax side of things, or career length playing contracts to average ‘journeyman’ players…
I mean, WTF, does he even have a plan, or he just gets a thrill every time he spends big money signing a player.


Joao felix to Chelsea is a mad one

Last season, in La Liga, he made 28 appearances, 10 of which were off the bench. Scored 7 goals and got 3 assists.

Season before, at Chelsea, in his half season, he made 17 appearances, and scored 4.

Hardly indictment of a player that Chelsea should be chasing when they have such a deep squad, when coupled with chasing Osihmen.


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My big piece of learning this year is to not ascribe conspiracy that which can adequately be put down to incompetence.


I like Felix but the knock on him is that he’s lazy. He doesn’t want to do the work. That’s why he fell out with Simeone at Atletico

Félix is a terrific player. He just isn’t suited (boring enough) to the tedious grind that makes a “successful” player in Europe and maybe beyond in 2024.

How much say does this Eghbali character have in Chelsea’s current dealings? I see a lot of Chelsea supporters directing their frustrations towards him rather than Boehly, suggesting Eghbali’s steering the ship and Boehly’s just the unfortunate face of the operation. I don’t know anything about the hierarchy over there.

Felix reminds me a lot of Nicolas Pepe.

Juventus sniffing around Sterling. That would probably satisfy him, but his wages will be a thorny issue, I believe they would make the 2nd highest paid player in Serie A.

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That would be the perfect Juve move. In Motta’s first game yesterday they had a young, hungry team showing few of the signs that made Juve so disappointing of the last few years. Adding an expensive aged player back into the mix is exactly the wrong thing to do


The irony of Chelsea slowly becoming a money generating club( under the last year’s of Roman) when their academy started bearing fruit.

Only for Boehly to totally torpedo that with having 50 odd first team players.

Thanks Boehly


Combined years of players’ contracts remaining for PL clubs:
Chelsea :clown_face: - 191
Spurs - 97
Brighton - 96
Wolves - 83
ManU - 82