Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

He seems to be handling it a lot better than I would if that happened to me. But it begs the question who the hell would steal a C/L or Super Cup winners medal, as that is going to be fucking tough to pawn I would imagine

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Police are looking for this man:


You probably wouldn’t look to pawn it, but sell it on the black market.

It always surprises me a bit with footballers, whose time out of the country is advertised for all to see that they don’t just pay for security guards (with baseball bats etc) to guard their house whilst their out of the country. Even if it cost 5k for 3 nights would he really miss that twice a month.

Will be interesting to see what kind of reaction he gets to this. Also surprised he’s not discussed it with his own team mates first.

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I’d imagine most would be fine. I think he is right in alluding to the fact that once something like this becomes part of the routine it loses meaning. Rather than players doing it because its now the pre-match routine, players doing what personally resonates with them is more productive IMO.


Yep, I agree, most will be fine with it, but maybe not all. I was just getting at the fact that on one hand there’s mention of family, and then on the other he’s not discussed it with that “family” - I just found that interesting.

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I think most fans would prefer this as the knee is synonymous with BLM which is incredibly divisive and has cause more racism rather than less (imo). I am personally glad that someone has suggested this stance, even though it’s a Chelsea player.

EDIT: He will most definitely be blasted and shamed on social media and the like. The more accurate feeling towards this will definitely be shown by the fans in the stadium.

EDIT EDIT: a shout out to Wilfried Zaha who has taken a different stance, just found out after reading the article. Article says he finds it degrading. Not sure if he is still doing this. I prefer players do things in their own way without having to follow along. Anyway I don’t want this thread to delve into this type of discussion, there is a dedicated thread for that.

Does he feel the same about speed limits and jail time for those sentenced to serve it?


BLM movement is not one group though is it, to believe it is has led to the situation we’ve had.

I really don’t think pointing to his badge on his sleeve is going do much. Frankly it seems like someone trying to avoid it. I was with Mings who said it wasn’t making a difference, I think Johnson and the like showing reluctance to condemn the booing helped it mind.

But having read Whites by O Uwagba I think there are far more that needs to be done than gestures and patting ourselves* on the back as white people.

*unsure of what race people are so ourselves is referring to myself.


Kante has the 'vids.

COVID? Oh man that sucks.

Doesn’t sound like he is vaccinated. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I have no sympathy for that situation whatsoever.

Out for at least 10 days, so at the minimum Juventus and Southampton missed

There are multiple legitimate reasons this could be the case. Don’t be an ass.

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Nonsense. There are very few legitimate reasons for vaccine exemptions - the medical bases are vanishingly rare. The legitimate religious bases even more so, and Kante is a Muslim so that line is moot.

A player who is not vaccinated should not be allowed to play. FFS, I need to prove my vaccination status to play beer league footy.


He has a family history of heart issues. That right there is a legitimate medial reason to not get the vaccine. Just because you don’t agree doesn’t mean its not legitimate.

It doesn’t matter whether I agree or not, nor whether you agree or not. That is not a listed contraindication for an exemption in either the country he is a citizen of, or in the UK. For an adult, there is one, severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis from one of the vaccine ingredients. He is past the age where various heart conditions are a contraindication.


Seriously tell us all, you were joking right? :flushed:

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Probably best to take this to the COVID thread.

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I think if they do not win convincingly by scoreline or performance against Soton, look at their plastic fans start to voice their unrest. I am really looking forward to Tuchel being Lampard 2.0. Get the boot after thinking highly of himself with a good half season, then go out to spend tonnes of money signing high profile players only to go on a bad run, then get sacked.

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