Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

NBC commentators saying this is a huge distraction for Chelsea players. They’re wondering things like “Are we going to get paid?”


DIRTY MONEY!!! That’s how u bought it and financed it…

London is a giant Russian money-laundering scheme.


Why would having their loan obligations wiped out hurt them? They’ve been given the money and used that to make themselves a commercial behemoth. They dont need his money anymore. The only thing that would hurt them is if he called in the debt in short order and forced chelsea to scramble for external financing.

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This sounds like the club is being transferred to a charitable fund to protect it from being seized?

I think you mean ‘anything but racist’. Then again I guess you know exactly what you meant!

As someone said Charitable foundations run out reach programs with schools, they don’t run the football club.

They’ve got about 100 players out on loan I’m sure they would survive.

Sure, if there’s a bonus for losing by less than 6 goals in a domestic cup final.

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To me it seems a perfect excuse not to show up tomorrow and to take some of the pressure off them.

It shows how weak he is, as someone said the life of playing billionaires abroad and Stalin at home are over.

Unless he was going to play in the midfield for them tomorrow, it has no affect on Chelsea. They are bigging it up as a ready made excuse in case. Lose, and it was the war what did it. Win and they are heroes, even in spite of the war.

Bugger off Chelsea!

As for what the actual move means, my understanding is they have been fairly self sustaining for a while. They built it up and learned to game the system before FFP became a thing.

If Abramovich calls in the loan, it will be cleared by a new owner, most likely.

The rule change on the loan system might hurt them more than Abramovich leaving at this stage.


Yeah to me it’s face saving or sports washing again.

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I suspect that calling in 2 billion in debt might hurt them quite significantly, whether that be short term or not

No you are right, should be anything, my bad

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Hope there is a big banner in the Liverpool end stating…

" Russian Warship, Go F**k Yourself "

Let the TV world show it around the globe


I was actually surprised that I hadn’t seen Chelsea fans become huge Putin apologists on twitter.

Then I clicked on that statement by Abramovic and saw the comments. That was a mistake.

Several journalists also falling for this stuff by the way. Probably shouldn’t be journalists if such a meaningless gesture is met by such unthinking celebration.


They can pretend to be guilt free tomorrow.

Saw someone say does Roman even like Putin (I said go and Google it before you look even dumber).

I’ve never felt keener to smash a team than tomorrow and if it was anyone else I’d want them to do the same bar probably the two oil clubs, then I’d just wish for them both to get stomach upsets


So you’re telling me that Roman has given up his beloved plastic club…to charitable status…but i bet when the shit has stopped hitting the fan…and we have some kind of resolution in the Ukraine…our Roman will crawl into the limelight from the stone that he his now under…and it’ll be hail the leader again…Man not to be trusted…


Chelsea have released a statement on Ukraine, I’ll share Ian Dunt’s response… pathetic doesn’t cover this …


Fucking hell.