Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

A club bank-rolled by a Russian criminal for 2 decades whingeing about ‘sporting integrity’… :face_vomiting:


Sad. I’d rather they go into administration and fade into obscurity.


Couldn’t they let fans in for free? Would give them some good PR as well at a time they’re being dragged through the mud(rightfully).


I thought this was at Middlesbrough?

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Ah, nevermind.

Although, maybe Chelsea could be allowed to sell their allocation of tickets providing proceeds went to charity or were escrowed?


It’s surely preferable to Chelsea’s closed-doors request. I don’t understand why the FA are even entertaining it.

I’m sure they could open a ballot for fans (membership and season ticket holders) and give them for free like that.

The FA should laugh and tell them to fuck off “sporting integrity” that charming phrase again.


Has Montenegro seized his yacht and if not, why not?


I shouldn’t be surprised but yet I still am… Firstly by the fan’s inability to take this on the chin, 20 years of glory days bank rolled by a Russian oligarch followed by a little bit of inconvenience due to said oligarch. Seems like a good deal to me.

And now this whining from the club… seriously, just take it and move on.

I’ve heard more about the suffering of CFC than Ukraine in the last few days. Although that’s my fault for reading/watching more about it. But still…


Ha ha ha fucking brilliant from Middlesbrough!

I can imagine the response from our own club if we were in their position, “we will abide by whatever decision the FA arrives at” or some similar spineless shite.


Exactly, they should have dismissed it out of hand. But of course, this is the FA we are talking about… slow, stupid and ineffective.


Surely nothing stopping Chelsea just giving away tickets to their fans. It’s not as if it’s at Stamford Bridge and Chelsea would then have to foot the costs for hosting 40,000 non-paying fans.

For me this is just a trojan horse to try and get their Premier League games treated the same way. If the FA bend over on this, the Premier League will be hard pressed not to do the same or they’ll look like they are being vindictive towards Chelsea.


They can’t really argue on the PL as they have season tickets and that will make a good 30k of the crowd you assume.

Where it will hit is FA cup and Champions League. But in this case with the stadium being away I don’t see why it’s even being mentioned.

I assume away crowds may be an issue in the PL I suppose.

Anyhow hopefully Boro knock them out so Wembley isn’t an issue.


Think its something to do with non EU country…but not sure of the exact reasons…

Hope boro knock these cunts out.


Can’t wait for these twats to go back to mid-table with average Italian imports popping up the team.

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Did they do that with a heavy heart as well, I wonder if it dawned on them how shitty it looked or the FA told them secretly to fuck off.

Both are as plausible as they are not.