Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

Nothing wrong with a bit of NO funk…



This thread name is crap


I suggest No Roman No Cash

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Not necessarily related to this thread, but I watched a fascinating documentary last night on Amazon prime called Citizen K about oligarch Mihkail Kordokhovsky. At one time 7 oligarchs controlled 50% of Russia’s economy. Putin saw him as such a threat that he had him jailed in Siberia for over a decade, then banished from Russia, he now lives in London. It was mentioned a few of the other 7 oligarchs that opposed Putin left Russia for the UK as well.

Roman was only mentioned briefly as “new money” but very much a part of Putin’s trusted circle.

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There was a good one on the BBC in the late 00s I dunno if they’ve put it up again.

It’s left me no sympathy for the Oligarchs, Putin is scum but they lay with the dog and stole from the Russian people.

Anyhow Chelsea fan was banging on about some newspaper article in 1924 that said they were the biggest club in London. The London clubs were still playing catch up then it’s hardly history.

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Wrong thread, but the whole concept of a privatization scheme is hysterical. You’ve had 70 years of communism in which everyone was equal and while the system allowed for some bonuses for exceptional work, the idea of wealth disparity was anathema to the system. Yet when the system breaks down and the state puts its industry to a bid, someone is able to pull together $100m to buy it (I know technically there was a 5 year or so period between the break down of the USSR and this specific sale)?

Without any investigative reporting being necessary, it is surely the de facto assumption that anyone who was ble to get their hands on any of these newly privatized companies was corrupt as fuck.


Absolutely and to take it one step further back, the idiotic drive from Gaidor and Yeltsin to spontaneous privatisation of large industry rather than continuing the incremental corporatisation and evolving the co-ops begun by Gorbachev is at the heart of the reason Russia is such a basket case today.

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Multiple vultures circling all spouting all the correct 2022 buzz words. I’d hate to see them asset stripped and sold as scrap in the same way I’d hate to see United in the modern day equivalent of the conference.


Have to say some are making sky high predictions, others are quiet and others are about containment and management.

Many fingers in ownership group that owns nothing else would concern me, FSG at least have a structure and context, shame Hicks or Gillet haven’t shown up.

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FA caving in regarding tickets for semifinal…rules are rules…they have been told no sales…but the FA are hoping…they’ve given in to the plastics…again…coz its the plastics…

Is the money from ticket sales going into escrow? If so, I don’t think that is a major problem. The purpose of the sanctions is to inconvenience the owner and prevent him from controlling/profiting from the assets.

The FA and the government.

Fucking Tory Cunts.

We’ll sanction them, until they get a decent game and the FA ask us to allow them to buy tickets.

The club is owned by somebody who has close ties to a dictator and a war criminal who is currently invading a fucking country and killing innocent people…But let’s let them off just this once because the FA might miss out on some cash.

Fucking FA and Fucking Tories


It’s the Government in this situation, not sure what is stopping them being gifted to Supporters via ballot.

Not like they have to travel, the bus is 1.55

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But I thought…no sales meant no sales…until Abramputin…was no longer associated with this shitty club…hes still is…so no sales…no money …no profits…nothing…or am I not reading the FA press release correctly…

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It’s just complete bollocks. Bet they’ll allow supporters in for the champions league too

I don’t know what was originally said by the FA, but by escrowing the money the cash from sales doesn’t go to Abramovic. It would only go to the club after the current owner has sold up.

Julian Knight, the chair of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport committee, called for changes to the special licence imposed on the Stamford Bridge club.

“Chelsea is more than just its owner, it’s a living organism with huge importance to its fans and community,” Knight said.

"It was understandable that, at short notice, last week’s game against Middlesbrough went ahead without Chelsea fans.

“But with this much notice, the FA have no excuse for excluding them. The FA must be allowed to sell tickets to Chelsea fans so long as all money goes to the people of Ukraine.”

But I thought they couldnt produce any income whatsoever…tickets,club shop, and sale of players…and the only money they had would last till the end of March…even the credit cards are null and void…or so we are lead to believe…income is income so no sales…not even placed in a trust fund as Abramoputin is still named or associated with this shite club.

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They’ve caved in…now why would that be…someone somewhere has had words…

They’re not allowed to generate cash that the owner can use, as I’ve said above if the cash from selling tickets doesn’t go to the club but to a bank account they don’t control then it isn’t breaching the sanctions. The purpose of the sanctions aren’t to crush the club, however, if Abramovic refuses to sell, then that will be what happens.

The credit card issue may be related to US rules on sanctions or could be just pending further legal advice on what they can and can’t pay for.