Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

I’m happy if Chelsea start to slide a little, but I can’t escape the feeling it will just help Newcastle’s ascendancy by opening up a spot at the top table.


Fuck you’re right. Like a fucking hydra these oil clubs, innit.


But the alternative is even less space, at least one being freed up is good.

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Chelsea Dodger


The Dodgers are the big spenders in Baseball, I would not be so sure Chelsea has not the same spending power as they have now.

Not idea if this is true tbh but just imagine…


If that’s true then even big spending Dodgers won’t be doing the same. Chelsea was a play thing that would wax and wane under Roman interest.

Hopefully they are as successful as the Dodgers, one World Series under the joke Covid season.


Plausible. They owe him about 1.6b and 900k a week amounts to just under 900 million. Can’t understand why the loan amount can be written off. So the club and new owner basically start of with a clean slate for a totally manufactured club. Seems a bit wrong to me as they’ve lived off and obtained success through his largesse. Money shouldn’t go to Abramovic but it can go into aid packages somewhere.


Knowing this government it would go into the Wakefield By election

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It would be the largest single act of financial doping the game has ever seen. They cannot simply be allowed to write off that debt.


Important to point out that Boehler’s role in Dodgers ownership, and now soon to be with Chelsea is a million miles from a situation in which the club is singularly owned by one of the world’s richest men willing to pump endless amounts of his own money into the deal. With the Dodgers he is part of a an ownership group that is the principal owner of the Dodgers, Guggenheim Baseball Management (very similar to the way FSG owns us). With this purchase it doesn’t look like it’s being done as part of the Guggenheim group and is being funded by an outside private equity firm. Also of note is that Boehler’s business expertise is leveraged buyouts.

As always, for these investments to work the club needs to continue to be competitively relevant so it can remain economically relevant, but as we’ve seen with Utd the bar for that is a lot lower than the club being required to win things. Moving forward they will be far more like a budget version of Utd than like a throwback to Roman’s first 10 years.



The potential new owners are already in the stands whinging about a var decision. They will fit in perfectly. Probably looking at Lukaku shot at goal and thinking “I didn’t know they could bunt in soccer

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:grinning: :grinning:

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Whatever is owed to Abramovich needs to be repaid. But if he can’t receive the money - and he can’t, due to sanctions, it still needs to be repaid. At that point it needs to be given to the victim’s of the war in Ukraine. I think that’s what Abramovich wanted, and there’s no reason for that to not be granted.

As others have said, if Chelsea are allowed to carry on as though this money does not need to be repaid, it is the biggest act of financial doping we have seen.


God he reminds me of Andrew Marr’s far uglier brother.

If he was nice I wouldn’t say anything but he also comes across as a cnut.


Hope they give Leeds some points before rolling over in the final.

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Considering they drew with United and lost to Everton, today’s result looks highly credible, almost incredible.

Thing is they can rest players for that if they wish but I think feel we are doing enough rotation to be fine with a days rest on them.

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