Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

I’m a little flabbergasted they’re letting Lukaku leave on a loan, while continuing to pay a portion of his wages. What an absolute catastophe this transfer turned out to be, arguably the worst in PL history given the size of the fee and how little they got in return.

But I can’t help but feel Tuchel is as to blame for this flop as the player, he seems like a poor man-manager.


I’m not sure they have much choice without a change of manager. Lukaku isn’t being used, will be on a massive salary and cost a lot of money. It’s unlikely anyone else would pay much for him - and perhaps Lukaku has said he wants only Inter. I can’t remember what the post Roman agreement is on the club’s debts but it’s likely the new owners will be wanting to get the balance sheet in good shape as soon as possible.

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Aren’t Man U looking for a striker?


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Pass him around like the slut he is.

There are folks that like sluts.

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One that’s been used by united?

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Lukaku needs someone like Conte to be at his best. This is a shocking transfer for chelsea. Felt it looked like chelsea had a plan even if they were overpaying.

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To me Lukaku story from Chelskis viewpoint looked like:

  • wooooow, a new Drogba, sign him now!!
  • maybe he isn’t ready yet, let’s loan him out
  • naaah, he’s shit… sell to Everton.
    (goes to United)
  • hahaha, you see even at United he is shit… big fat bullet dodged! Good job.
    (goes to Inter)
  • ok, he’s decent in Italy, looks like he’s mature and ready now to be our Drogba!
  • ok, he’s still shit, sell him.

Chelsea has been more or less run on a self-sustaining basis for the past three seasons. Swiss Ramble had a good Twitter thread on this. Our former executive who went to Chelsea, whatshisname I can’t remember, said this in a podcast I heard a few years back.

But still …



Marina Granovskaia’s set to leave Chelsea, Matt Law reports. Big changes are coming for Chelsea as Todd Boehly could take care of all transfers negotiations. Expectation around Chelsea was for Marina to leave in few months, now imminent as Telegraph reveals.

Really? Good luck. :joy:


Or good riddance? :man_shrugging:

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Deleted already posted.

I guess Boehly can do this complicated transfer negotiations:

  • open browser
  • load transfermarkt website
  • (click) most valuable players
  • send someone from a club to conclude business

I guess Marina can find job at Newcastle, PSG, Real, Barca…

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It’s not so much about Marina vs Todd, but if they are removing that position between the owners and head coach. If that coach below is Tuchel especially, that doesn’t sound too good for me. But we’ll see, maybe it’s only an opening move and they get someone else in.

Don’t dive :rofl:

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Thing is I watched a fair bit of Italian football and a fair bit of Lukaku and I hadn’t really noticed the change in him when Chelsea then went out and bought him I was 100% he would flop and yet pundits today will swear that they are shocked he was so bad.

Do any of them watch football outside of England.


Yeah, I remember when they bought him all the usual journos were slobbering over how he was the final piece of the jigsaw on the back of a clearly-Covid-restrictions-affected CL win. And anyone who has watched him play could see that Chelsea played nothing like what Lukaku prefers, what helped him score the goals at Everton and Inter.

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Atleast Chelsea are helping take Inter out of bankruptcy.

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