Ding Dong.....the US Politics Thread (Part 1)

Well, They weren’t meant to benefit the masses.

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Trump in for another term then?

Very much doubt it. The polls are yet to narrow by any significant margin. On current numbers, a margin of error 2-3 times bigger than last time round would be needed and pollsters would have learned from their previous errors.

We know Trump will have lost votes. Its difficult to see where he would have gained them.

I never said they were.

It certainly is very difficult sorting the fact from the fiction - what is real - what is fake news. Trump has got himself into such a position that if he said the sky was blue everyone would look up to check.

It is true that Black unemployment declined during his term (pre covid) - but it is still statistically higher than in all other racial groups - the reasons for which are for discussion another time perhaps.

  • Please note the fact that this graph essentially backs up what Trump said, does not mean that in any way I endorse him - it merely means that I have looked at the claim and found a somewhat reliable answer from the Bureau of Labour and Statistics.

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Black incarceration rates have also been on the decline for the last 15 years - although Black and Hispanic people make up a disproportionately high % of prisoners.


  • Please note the fact that this graph essentially backs up what Trump said, does not mean that in any way I endorse him - it merely means that I have looked at the claim and found a somewhat reliable answer from the Bureau of Justice Statistics
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The claim being made as i understand it, is that Trump is responsible for those improvements. I don’t think those graphs show that. They only show direction of travel.


If you ask him, ‘will you take the responsibility for this’, without giving any context, he will immediately reply ‘I will not take responsibility’. He is such a guy. Snake oil salesman.
BR to the power of 100.

Which is the same direction they had been on for the previous 5/6 years when he wasn’t in power.

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Trump claiming credit for improving black people’s lives is the ultimate in gaslighting.

Luckily , most of them know this and , hopefully , will turn out in big enough numbers to ensure his fat racist ass is booted out of the WH.


Well naturally the numbers of black people being incarcerated are coming down, the police are killing them before it gets to that stage.

What does the line look like for deaths by police per racial demographic?


That is a tough question and one where people are most likely to jump to conclusions. Data collection for death by police officer is sporadic at best and has been so for decades. It could be argued that this is intentionally so.

It is indisputable however that more white people are killed by police each year in the USA than any other racial group - Deaths per capita would seem to indicate though that the Black population is significantly overrepresented.

“Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 721 civilians having been shot, 142 of whom were Black, as of September 28, 2020. In 2018, there were 996 fatal police shootings, and in 2019 this figure increased to 1,004. Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 32 fatal shootings per million of the population as of September 2020.”

It must also be stated that these figures count all shootings by the police - they may be protecting others, acting in self defence, acting upon serious crimes as they occur, etc. They are certainly not all criminal acts by serving police officers. It is also worth remembering that it is estimated there are now more guns in the US than people.

I think there was research that found you were 3x more likely to be killed by the police if you were black.


To the degree that President’s usually try to take credit for positive things that happen on their watch, I don’t know this is really worth pulling him up on. To that point, as BigJon’s graphs show, two particular metrics in that demo have continued to improve. As to the other two points, he did sign two pieces of bipartisan legislation that align with his claims on criminal justice reform and financial support for HBCUs. He was not a champion of either and did nothing to direct said bills, but again, I dont think that the a hill to die on when considering whether to contest claims of presidential success. Not with any president, let alone one so target rich as Trump.

However, ultimately, even if you give him the licence to take these wins, you dont get to point to isolated areas of improvement as evidence of your good record on race when your entire political career has been centered on white grievance and demonization of others. What does it say about a man that when accused of being racist he reflexively cites work on improving the rights of criminals?

LBJ was doggedly racist, yet signed the Civil Rights Act. People are complex and I think this allows us to maybe judge LBJ as a pig of a man, but a president who did consequentially positive things for the black community in his country. More to the point though, despite LBJ’s personal feelings, the Civil Rights Act was something he actively pursued and championed. It was not just something that lobbyists put together and earned bipartisan support for that ended up on his desk for him to sign. But more importantly, he didnt undercut the progress his signature legislation made at every opportunity to publicly stoke racial angst.


already fundraising off barrett

almost as if that’s their actual priority…

WTF else can they do right now? Given that she managed to become the first SC judge to appear at what was basically a campaign rally, trashing any hope of credibility on her very first day, a political response seems entirely appropriate.


feinstein bent over backwards to make her look credible, barrett’s approval jumped 20 points after the hearings

they don’t mind having her on the court, and they’re relieved to have it done before the election so there’s no expectation to do anything

I have no idea what Feinstein was playing at, considering her vote. Not sure I would agree with you though, I think the Democrats are deeply troubled by what has happened - the idea of a constitutional crisis in parallel with a pandemic is not appealing.

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Or, that Wisconsin is a key state and is, as usual experiencing mass electoral fuckwittery that requires a massive communications effort to help get accurate information to the voters, work that requires money to do.


Ludicrously poor training and/or doctrine, simple skip shot into the leg would have halted him if force was necessary. Instead, a fusilade of body shots.

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