Ding Dong.....the US Politics Thread (Part 1)

To be fair, that’s probably because they’d start shooting their officers.

Trevor Bickford attacked 3 police in Times Square with a machete and was arrested.

Tyre Nichols is pulled over for reckless driving(which it seems is a lie) and gets beaten to death.

Google the names for the obvious differences between these two.
What a fucked up Country.

up next,different name same cops/attitude.

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SCORPION does seem a stupid name for a police service with a moto ‘Serve and Protect’!

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And right on cue…Piers Morgan has taken up the charge.

Charge of the Cunt Brigade?

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‘Can’t be racism, the cops were black.’

Piers saying something cuntish about it was paying 1.01 at the bookies.

I’m waiting for the…
He had a criminal record and deserved it…
or he shouldn’t have resisted…

Honestly theres so many WTF moments that come out when the police kill ‘some people’ it just leaves me like blow it all up

Sigourney Weaver Aliens GIF


1/100 for you Brits.


At what point does someone like piers think…
hsng on a sec,these guys may be right,they may have a point about being in fear for their lives over a ‘simple’ police stop.

Piers and thinking,I don’t know what I was thinking FFS

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‘I’m just trying to go home’

‘I’m just trying to go home’: Tyre Nichols heard pleading in released video | Tyre Nichols | The Guardian

At what point would someone(5 of the cunts)who is there to ‘Protect and Serve’ decide it’s okay to beat someone to death when they hear this.

Personally, the most chilling part was them ‘debriefing’ afterwards like something completely normal had just happened.

I guess the demonisation of the non-white and the militarization of the police has reached its apogee when the marginalized are now willing particpants in their own oppression.


White lives matter! :crazy_face: :rofl:

That’s usually the clarion call that goes up almost immediately from the right wing ecosphere when something like this happens. The fact they are almost silent this time speaks volumes.

Trump will have his say soon enough.

I’ve already read that he shouldn’t have resisted, but make no mistake about it, this didn’t escalate because of his actions, from the start there is no 'Would you please exit your vehicle sir, may I see your license, did you realize you were driving erratically etc.
It was straight to 'get the fuck of the vehicle, get the fuck on the ground, with tazers in hand.


They have done exactly the same in NYC under the new(ish) Pro cop Mayor. Strong anti crime rhetoric is more important than evidence based practices, or even a concern for civil rights. Say you are tough on crime and make a show out of it and you are given credit for trying no matter what happens with the outcomes. Try to do less familiar but evidenced things and you get hounded out on the back of anecdotes even when the overal metrics are trending in the right direction.

Broken window policing is a textbook example. Everyone knows it doesnt work, but it sounds tough and satisfies a base desire to punish people.

I think goes beyond an issue of cops and more into power structures. People from minority groups who climb into positions of power tend to be far more conscious of society’s power structures and that provides a LOT of personal incentives to work really hard to reinforce them. Speak to black American men and they will tell you that an encounter with a cop who is black is unlikely to go any better than it would with a white cop. The race of a black cop is cop.

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I think if you’re looking foir signs of progress it is less in the way Police have responded and more along these lines

It is getting harder and harder for talking heads to excuse this stuff with arguments like "why didn’t he comply?’ “Why did he run…what did he expect?” Black men run from the cops even when they’ve done nothing wrong because they know the truth of what is described in that NYT piece.