Ding Dong.....the US Politics Thread (Part 1)

Forget that Zuckerberg v. Musk snooze fest. Here’s one I’m in for PPV.

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I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, it is of course appalling.

On the other, for anyone who is watching, this is what the Republican Party has become, through indulging and being overtaken by the MAGA loons, and allowing itself to be detached from reality.

While Greene is threatening Boebert and thinking about a fight, hopefully it takes her focus off bullying and intimidating the likes of AOC, who is significantly her superior, in brains and decorum.

I think I read that both antagonists are armed, and if it comes to it, having Congressional Republican women, like Greene and Boebert, shooting at each other might just cause the wretched party to think about what it has become. I won’t hold my breath, but it will probably bring joy to Trump as he will perceive it as two women fighting it out to be his VP.

I lean to the left politically, but I am fairly conservative in some ways too. My vote is up for grabs as I won’t tie myself to any party, but there is nothing I see in the Republican Party that has my support. It is a personality cult, veering dangerously into authoritarianism and possibly beyond into fascism, and as such needs to be checked and defeated, even if I’m not blind to what is lacking on the left, too.


Agree with most of that except the bit about the left - it doesn’t really exist in mainstream US politics. It’s the far right, alt right, conservative right, traditional/sober right, and on the other side you’ve got the centre right. In most other western democracies, Jo Biden could easily represent the right side of politics.


This is true. The scale of left right applies internally, but in relation to the rest of the world, the lens must be widened to see that America is assorted varieties of far right to centre right.

The likes of AOC or Bernie Sanders are besmirched as very radical leftists, when in Western Europe they would just be garden variety politicians, somewhere around the middle holding hands with Tony Blair.


I doubt anyone wants to hold hands with Blair to be honest.

AOC has some good ideas, and she’s just the kind of person who must be great to have as your congressperson, willing to fight for the underdog and for equality.

However, when it comes to international affairs her naiveté can be a problem. I don’t think she gets Russia or has any coherent ideas about China.

Yet despite being constantly subjected to awful criticism over her position on Israel is one of the few people in congress willing to speak about the regime as it is not how we in the US pretend it to be.


Not sure this has ever been an impediment in US politics; if anything it’s possibly considered advantageous…

This is aways a problem for politicians who criticise Israel, especially, but not only, in the States. As we have seen recently again with Jayapal.
She is right on that issue, but the natural instinct towards pacifism on the moderate side of politics is at odds with the reality of the likes of Putin, for example.

Millions? Seriously?

Chef’s Kiss



A guy like Biden must be sort of humbled to be attacked in the same breath as FDR and LBJ, having been so cautious for so long. Really shows how the Trump GOP live in their own bubble of information and even language.


The snarl in the voice while referencing “urban problems” was pretty clear, but I nearly hit the ground when she followed it up with “rural poverty”. I get that MAGA “economic anxiety” is very often mischaracterized as “poor”, especially “rural poor” but there is no doubt a big part of the overall GOP base is the rural poor.

Even beyond her not understand how well so much of these attacks would play to Biden’s base, you’d at least think they’d understand who their own base is

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It’s as if she’s a stupid hound :joy:

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Think the election is setting up nicely, purely from “in the audience eating popcorn” sort of way but also knowing full well that the line between the stage and the audience is a bit too close…

I cannot pinpoint when it happened, but there was definitely a tipping point at some point in the last few years where the incoming GOP politicians had been raised on Fox and Brietbart and maybe weren’t in on the scam the way the older ones were.

I guess I cannot quite fathom what the play is between the GOP Kennedy. Trump signalled him out as “an intelligent” guy and now this. I can only imagine a neutering tactic but the thought that the Dems are going down the same road is also open…

For the GOP, chaos. But some of them I fear are now so far down the rabbit hole that for them he is a legit truth seeker who they agree with on a lot of issues. I think even with smart people who once knew better you can only act an idiot for so long before you actually become the character you were playing.

Absolute fucking moron


Encourages a political/ideological/bigotry based boycott of a company and then complains about the drop in stock price that his actions helped create.

This is also the man who directed state funds to be removed from any ESG rated fund due. Keep in mind that ESG is not an actual measure of social or environment goodness, but only a marker of a company doing their fiduciary duty to mitigate risks associated with issues like climate change

yet the FL Pension Fund has $300mil invested in Russia. laughable

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Goes back to the common theme of right-wingers always whining about freedom of speech, but unwilling to face the consequences of their speech.