Ding Dong.....the US Politics Thread (Part 1)

How much does it matter which way it goes? The choice is between two old men that are not that long for their world. It feels like being about legacy - who is next? DJ, JK, KH - who?

Were you asleep during the Trump presidency ?


It probably will be close , as all US elections are now , but I simply refuse to countenance the possibility of a second Trump presidency. Personally , I doubt he will be the candidate come Nov 2024 , but if he is he will be defeated. His base is around 30% of electors , beyond them no-one else is going to vote for him and that figure simply isn’t enough to carry him to victory.

No and Yes and can we see the possibilities our kids can?

It’s complicated and things will get worse with either winner but ultimately do u trust the system to not break completely? Back when Bush II came in, everyone thought the sky would fall…. it didn’t and people moved on. Better or for worse is unclear but we are further on.

If she can get ‘reasonably’ close to pointing to each of them on a map, then I would say she is better than most politicians around the world.

Hell, I wonder if Trump could point out the USA on a map of North America

Bush II was a disaster, with huge consequences around the world. Trump tried to overturn an election and incited a violent storm on Capitol, among other nasty things.
Not a fan of mainstream Democrats personally, but there is a hell of a difference.


I think the full story of that is still to be written as well. So much of the increased breakdown of trust in our society domestically I think has a throughline right through the various failures of his administration.


Yes, and it kicked off with that dubious election, which started the cynicism about the electoral system.

I hear the sentiment but a démocrate win won’t sweep the issues magically away… I don’t pretend to know the answer but it remains unclear how you get out of the bitter cycle that currently seems to be the status quo.

The « old world » countries have been through many cycles of this and things/the world have moved on.

Nobody is saying that a Democratic president will sweep the issues away. The point is that the reelection of Trump will mean the end of any democracy in the US. This is not hyperbole. We have seen how he operates and heard his views. A person who is capable of instigating a violent uprising against his electoral defeat will have no hesitation in using any means necessary to stay in power. Opponents will be persecuted and bullied until there is no one left to stand against him. He’s done it successfully in the GOP, and he’ll do it in the whole country.


’ I am your retribution.’ He’s already told us what he will do.

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The hanging chads which robbed us of Al Potatoe Gore.

Yes, the specific targeting of black voters for disenfranchisement and the use of violence to snatch an election in which Gore won a majority.

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I Hope the democrats win (obviously) but Trump will still likely be around for the next election and Biden won’t….

If not Trump, then Trumpism will be a major force. It has completely invaded Republicanism. Whoever follows him will most likely also share his despotic traits.
All we can hope is that the Democrats find a strong, principled, and electable candidate by then.

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Yep , the handiwork of one Roger Stone , long time confidante and ally of Trump , who he pardoned for lying to Congress , and who then immediately set about repeating the trick with the ‘Stop the Steal’ campaign after Trump’s defeat.

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I always find it funny that Biden is accused of being too old by people who intend on voting for Trump. They’re essentially the same age.

Biden cannot serve again after the next win but DT can.

I think this is because the phrasing was confusing. The implications of Biden dying came to mind more readily than the term limits.