Ding Dong.....the US Politics Thread (Part 1)

I hate the “I won’t risk our troops lives for this”

Not claiming to speak for all military members but if I was sent to defend Taiwan or Ukraine I’d far prouder of defending democracy than I would if I was sent to invade Iraq/Afghanistan on false pretences.


The truly moronic thing about that is the chances of such a conflict breaking out are dramatically increased by the perception that the US might not step in on Taiwan’s side.


Yep on the grounds of his position on Taiwan and Ukraine, I hope the fucker gets hit by a bus



Someone else who doesn’t like DeSantis

America finally facing someone who has Mussolini’s willingness to see people die — and it’s not who you think (msn.com)

So…an utter tool.

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The problem with having Quebecois ministers is that sometimes they seem to forget that what they say in French will just get translated, it isn’t actually a code.

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Florida education system flogging climate change denial

Have you seen the videos? This piece doesnt do justice for how terrible they are. Even aside from the actual content, Prager is an self-identified ideologue. Prager U is specified as presenting information from a conservative view point. When the American right complain about schools being indoctrination centers what they really mean is they want them to be conservative indoctrination centers. As always with these people, every accusation is a confession.

There is a thing here in schools called Advanced Placement where, supposedly, schools adopt college level courses that advanced students can take as part of their high school curriculum and that counts for college credit. Alabama have taken this attack on woskism in education thing so far that they just announced that AP African American studies (typically taken as a US history course) will no longer be eligible for college credit in Alabama. Every other AP histoiry course still is, just not the one about black people. So much of the discourse from the right is treated in polite society with a “we know you’re lying, and you know we know you’re lying, but we all are going to pretend to take your argument seriously because it is important to hear the other side of the debate”. There isnt even one those arguments than can be forwarded from them to justify this as anything other than a throwback to their granddady’s separate water fountain, back of the bus racism.


Yep we have to stop reporting, listening or validating the batshit views of the right. The deplorables and their views just don’t matter and should never be given any airtime or credence by serious organisations.

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For those talking about Vivek the other day, this is just the perfect description of him


He plays a smart guy well to people who have no idea what a smart guy sounds like, while demonstrating how utterly vapid his perspectives are to anyone whose knowledge of it goes further than 1 inch deep.


Like the way Trump plays a rich guy well to people who have no idea what actually rich people do?

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse…

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If you want to see just how awful this guy is , check out Politico’s 3 minute highlights here.

*Watch what happens right at the end when they are all asked if they would support Trump as the candidate.

It was a feckless moment. What surprised me was how much Asa Hutchinson looks like The Joker. Doesn’t show up in photos, but when he speaks both of the corners of his mouth turn up. Eerie.

And these were the ‘highlights’? Were the low points worse or less batshit?

At a guess ? … even more excruciating.

These people realise they are, in throy, running for President right? Not a single one of them had to courage to say “law and order” or some other right wing rhetoric and abandon Trump?

In fact, Chris Christie attempted to remind everyone that Trump’s behavior was an affront to the Constitution and was booed so loudly that nothing else could be heard.

I hope he has the courage of his convictions to stand by that. There is something to be said for being on the right side of history.

He still said he’d support Trump even if he was found guilty though.

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