Ding Dong.....the US Politics Thread (Part 1)

This made me laugh


Which one was he going for??


That mugshot will be on all his campaign posters.

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True, but would that appeal to swing voters (if there are any left)?

No, I dont know his motivation anymore but I can’t imagine he truly thinks he will win. Probably just looking to wring every penny from his followers.

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Trump wont win but the disaster for US would be getting someone like Ramaswamy. Trump 2.0 without the baggage.

Well, he’s going to play the victim and whine on about witch hunts forever.

He’s the biggest snowflake ever.

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Hard to see the rednecks voting for him, but then again, so called Christians voted for DT.

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Definitely the Kubrick Stare

All I know is I missed Jeopardy for this bollocks! Turned on the TV last night at 7.30pm for a little quiz action, and it was wall to wall Trump, who was surrendering at Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, Georgia.

Just another raft of criminal charges in the life of the biggest mafia Don we’ve seen.

He will continue to wear this stuff as a badge of honor, and use it to peddle his latest big lie, namely, the judicial system is crooked and politicized and out to get him. The only thing that can stop it is if he becomes President!

I just hope the legal process reaches some significant conclusions before he has a chance to step into the White House again. If he files and drags all these things out, which is what he is doing, he might reach the White House and then, to borrow an analogy from Middle Age feudal times, build a moat around it to protect himself.

His first term was an apprenticeship. He got bolder and more brazen as he went, as he realized he couldn’t really be touched. Now that he has learned how to pull the levers of power, if he gets in again all bets are off as to what he will do.

Even after watching him do this for years, I remain astonished at the quantity of American people who fall for this shit hook, line and sinker. Equally concerning is the dearth of principled leaders who are willing to call it out.

It’s like I am living in some sort of dystopian TV show, only this is all too real, hence my quiz got bumped from the screen last night. Bastards!

Even if some rednecks don’t vote for him , he’s going to get quite a bit of the other Trump votes.

That is if Trump doesn’t win the nomination or is barred from contesting in the meantime.

If Ramaswamy does contest against Biden , he’s going to eviscerate him verbally and that is going to play a huge part in him getting votes. Even if it’s verbal diarrhea. He’s already indicated that he wants abortion rights to be with the states , that in itself is something which plays quite a bit to the middle ground and swing voters.

I think most people found Ramaswarmy intensely unlikeable. He can talk fast but its utter drivel. I don’t think the wider public is sucked in by him.

Honestly I think Biden could wipe the floor with him in a neutral room.

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Forget the mugshot, here’s the real scandal.

He should be able to. But Biden has been known to slip up at times as well. Every gaffe of his will be under big time scrutiny

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More evidence that republican voters are an inscrutable bunch. They thought DeSantis performed best at the debate. What?


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It’s not his mugshot. It’s a repurposed shot from several years ago. That he has leapt to put this out, even returning to twitter after a multi year absence to post it, tells you everything you need to know about he thinks he can use this to his benefit.


If I was advising Biden, I would not put him on a stage to debate with anybody! He should avoid that and instead get his message across in other ways.

In a debate his weakness will be on display for all to see. He is old, doddery, not so fast on his feet, not a great orator, and in a heated debate situation will surely um and ah too much, and also use the wrong word, stat, or phrase, which will be pounced upon.


What’s make or break with respect to Ramaswamy will be the fact that he’s the only person who’s being anti ukraine. Remains to be seen how much the American public want this stance.

I do think Biden will be able to give a prompted / prepared speech well enough.

But in a debate. That’s a totally different matter. The worst thing that can happen to America is if Trump drops out and endorses Ramaswamy.

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That will never happen. Trump’s ego won’t allow it.