Ding Dong.....the US Politics Thread (Part 1)

Not if Trump figures there’s some way to get Ivanka / other children etc on Ramaswamy’s ticket

If he figures out that he’s going to get beaten by Biden. Endorsing Ramaswamy with the possibility that the cases against him are dropped etc.

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Ramaswamy isn’t going to get many Indian American votes as well. Not that their vote really matters. Not too many Indian Americans think that he’s good.

I didn’t know much about Ramaswamy before this debate, but now I know enough to know that I would never tire of slapping him across the chops! What an irritating character.

Fast talker, fake smile, no substance.

All I’ve seen from him is a desire to run to the Trump extremist end of the spectrum, presumably to ingratiate himself with that block of voters, should Trump be forced out.

As someone said above, his lack of support for Ukraine is a position that differentiates him from the others.

I was astonished that someone as unqualified as Trump could be elected as President, so I wouldn’t have a clue if Ramaswamy might have a chance.

Sith’s working, above, is at least plausible.

Trump can’t do it. So he gets his daughter on the ticket, plus a cast iron guarantee for all charges to be dropped, in exchange for helping to put Ramaswamy in the White House.


He’s a proper snake oil salesman. But as we’ve seen in the past , it works.

Because people are fuckwits.

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Universal truth.

Biden has historically overperformed in debates. Especially given the backdrop of the GOP continuing to call him Sleepy Joe and argue that he is being Weekend at Bernied from the oval office any semi competent performance completely undercuts one of the main arguments the GOP makes against him.


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Too old to function so presidential duties are being performed by others behind the scenes.

One of the questions some pundits are struggling to answer is the lack of concern Trump voters have over his electability. The explanation for that is they are so overwhelmed with stories on Joe’s incapacitation that they seem to him as unelectable, which negates the issue in their mind WRT Trump.

Two men take corpse into Irish post office to claim dead man’s pension

Deceased man ‘propped up’ by two men as they walked into the building in County Carlow on Friday morning

VAR. Checking grammar. Movie title used as a verb. Oh, that’s a close one. Disallowed. Requires hyphens. Also acceptable is the nod to William Faulkner. “weekendatbernied”

It’s Karl Rove, who was the political operative behind George W. Bush. Good historical summary, though. Just shows democracy is often a cesspool. Beats all alternatives, though.

Poor old Rudy. Can’t even pay his phone bill … it is $57,000 though !

Any idea what his son and daughters are up to these days. I find it very unnerving that they, specially Jared Kushner, are so quiet.

Couple of billion dollars later, no wonder. I’d go incognito quote happily myself.


Also see the number of prominent GOP politicians calling for the FBI to be disbanded. Yet come the next election the criticism will still be hung around the neck of Dems, mostly from reactionary centrists who are just desperate to appear reasonable to their important Conservative friends, for their calls to “defund the Police”. Something that vanishingly few elected officials (as opposed to dem aligned activists) ever actually said.

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McConnel just had another episode.


Term limits is not the right answer but this and the situation with Feinstein is absurd. This isnt just a man stumbling over his words, physically he looks like he’s aged 10 years into a little old man in the space of 6 months.

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Well said for mentioning Feinstein too. There are people well past it on both sides of the aisle. Something needs to be done, and it will probably take both parties coming together to solve it, which is sadly why it probably won’t happen.

On a related note, you could make the case that RBG staying on, way past her sell by date, is a key the reason why the Supreme Court has tilted to the extreme right.

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It’s elder abuse.