Ding Dong.....the US Politics Thread (Part 1)

Boo Hoo Tough Guy Proud Boy . ( Legal affairs reporter Kyle Cheney live-tweeted the hearing, saying Biggs was in tears.)


He’ll be pardoned by his Führer in Jan 25



#MAGA …the forebears.

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There’s been a few pretty good things in the last few years that focus on the misguided notion that the US went to war to fight facism. They found themselves at war and that was against a fascist regime, but that doesnt mean we did it to defeat fascism. Roth’s War against America is a work of fiction, but as an alternative history is based on a historical reality of widespread pre-war support for the ideas the Nazis were advancing. The Christian Bale film Amsterdam was ostensibly about a real plot to overthrow FDR and replace him with a Nazi sympathising government.


Is the Amsterdam film worth a watch ?

No it’s pretty shit TBH, but I watched it after listening to Maddow’s treatment of the Business Plot that it’s based around.

I guessed it might be (Christian Bale) , lol … cheers.

"Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola, who U.S. District Judge Tim Kelly described Friday as the “tip of the spear” that first let rioters flood into the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. As he exited the courtroom, Pezzola shouted: “Trump won!” and pumped his fist in the air.

The remark came after his wife, daughter and mother delivered tear-soaked, highly emotional pleas to the court for mercy and less than an hour after Pezzola told the court: “There is no place in my future for groups or politics whatsoever.”

They’re all full of shit , just like their Fuhrer.

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Some totally normal news coming from the BBR (Big Banana Republic):

Completely out of control. Shooting a pregnant woman for this? Also goes back to the easy access to guns which makes police jittery to the nth degree. And add in the fact that they are statistically much more likely to shoot a black suspect than a white one

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Another one pleading remorse and begging for sympathy before the judge and then switching to defiance once sentenced. None of these cunts should be made eligible for parole.

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This is all good to see. Meaningful sentences handed down to these people for their part in January 6th. I agree with the hypocrisy too. A bunch of crying and fake remorse pre sentencing, then when the sentence is handed down, a doubling down on the errant behavior.

We are waiting to see if the Kingpin is touched. Trump needs to be in jail for the rest of his life.

If he makes it back to the Whitehouse all these January 6th convictions will be let off, and they will become martyrs and heroes and enrich themselves in Trump’s orbit.


The length of the sentence means this is going to become a litmus test issue for GOP candidates long after Trump is gone.

In what way?

“Rambo” Joe Biggs cried to the judge asking for leniency and then called in to InfoWars from prison to double down on everything and ask the audience for money!

These must be the least committed group of violent revolutionaries I have ever seen.

Every Presidential candidate will be asked if they would pardon the January 6 ‘patriots’, for at least the next 3 cycles for this fellow unless someone does.

Ok, gotcha.

The next election is going to be such a shitshow in so many ways.

The backlash is still alive and well in Alabama ;

Freed article here: https://archive.ph/EqqgP