Ding Dong.....the US Politics Thread (Part 1)

Wow. Details of the special purpose GJ have now been made public and they show that charges were recommended for several members of Congress.

It will be interesting to see if we ever get an explanation for why they avoided indictment for reasons other than Willis not wanting to complicate the matter any further

I was fucking praying that Graham would be indicted. His call to Raffensberger was just as incriminating as Trump’s. I think the reason Willis didn’t indict was because it would have been tricky to disprove Graham’s bullshit excuse that he was acting in his Senatorial committee role. Whatever , any objective observer would conclude that that motherfucker was in on the steal , and whatever remains of his reputation will be shredded even more once more details emerge.

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My take is just going for the top dog keeps it more clear.

Although several in Congress should be prosecuted.

The indictment includes 19 people in total though. We now know there are 20 other people who have avoided being charged despite recommendations from the Special grand jury to do so.

It’s probably explained by the difference in threshold between a grand jury only needing to think charges are warranted vs a prosecutor needing to think they can get a conviction. But even the fact this information about them is now out in the open is problematic for them. They have now essentially been accused without the opportunity to beat the charges and clear themselves.

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Any idea what they had on the two sitting Georgia Senators ?

Any idea what they had on the two sitting Georgia Senators ?

Read the room ffs!

At least she has stepped away from her House leadership position.

This is the challenge with the conversation. She is clearly still sharp and doing her job which is why any threshold based on age is arbitrary. I would be less comfortable if she was in the senate where we’d be talking about a 6 year term rather than her 2 year term

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I agree that Pelosi is still sharp. With that said, I would like to see the introduction of an arbitrary age, simply because of the lack of good grace to know when to bow out. That observation applies to both sides of the aisle.

Passing some sort of aptitude test is fraught with difficulty too. Mitch McConnell’s doctor remains adamant that he is fit to continue, when the two recent episodes (they were the ones we saw on camera, as he addressed an audience - presumably it has happened more than we have seen on camera) appear to suggest otherwise.

So because of the lack of a satisfactory test, and because of the lack of good grace and common sense on both sides of the aisle, regrettably I’d like to see an arbitrary age introduced.

I would make it the social security retirement age, plus one term. There are different term lengths depending on the office, so I’d be happy to use the longest term, which is a 6 year Senate term.

Retire at 67 + 6 years Senate term = 73


Agree with this.

When Trump is revealed as an agent of foreign governments will America finally wake up? | Opinion (msn.com)

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Good article.
The answer’s no.
Should be in the Walking Eagle thread.

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Just one point from the article - Trump made a beeline for MBS when elected, and his family got $2Billion, and who knows how much Trump got directly, should sink him.

Instead, the Republicans are trying to get Hunter Biden - not an elected official, on a small fraction of just one of Trump’s crimes.


Doubt it. Most of his supporters will still be convinced that it is a smear campaign designed by the Democrats and the left

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Flynn was already in the pocket of the Saudis and came into Trump’s orbit with a remit to push him in the direction of providing the Saudis nuclear capabilities and doing so in a way that skirted the vetting and restrictions that the Atomic Energy Act require.

I dont think that changes anything much about Trump, but reinforces that he isnt just someone who sniffs out ill begotten money, but is very easily directed towards it by bad actors and will do it regardless of the cost to others if he gets his piece of the deal. And in lots of ways I think that is a lot more dangerous.


What an absolute shitshow. It’s little wonder the credit-rating agencies are busy now re-evaluating the worthiness of US Govt. debt.

Fitch said its decision “reflects the expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years, a high and growing general government debt burden, and the erosion of governance” compared with other countries with similar debt ratings.

And the GOP will run on Biden damaging America’s credit rating with his reckless spending and the media will air these without pushback or context and participate in reinforcing a perspective they know to be false.

The point is that Biden for all his pontification against MBS has quietly endorsed the Saudi idea of railway linkup from Europe to India(and beyond).