Ding Dong.....the US Politics Thread (Part 1)

speaking of Biden, his son has been indicted on handgun charges.

How ironic that the anti gun control party use gun control laws to attack (the offspring of) their enemies.

The common mistake is to use irony when one means sarcasm but here it may be reverse!

Unelected actors often deserve more scrutiny because they didnt go through the public process of exposing themselves in trying to win an election. The issue then is what role did they play in the respective administrations. Hunter has none. Zero. He was part of a team in Clinton’s Administration, but not has worked in government in any capacity for two decades.

Kushner in contrast was a central figure in Trump’s administration. He was despite being denied the security clearance he needed, and was given the role anyway after a Trump over ride on the clearance issue.

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It’s even more ironic that recently litigated gun cases defending second amendment rights mean that it might not even get to trial. :grin:

This article is presented as straight news in WSJ, not an editorial. Should read the comments by the WSJ faithful readers, a genuinely rabid bunch anyway. Not sure you will be able to without a subscription. Suffice it to say, much foaming at the mouth.

Another nail in the coffin of the “law and order party.”

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What ”values” would those be then?

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She was married to a man who exposed himself to high school aged girls and now this. Yet she is one of the most vocal about the accusations that gays and trans people are dangerous because they are sexualizing our children.


The evidence was absolutely cast iron. I think what is more noteworthy than their acquittal though is that they at one point surely thought they had the votes otherwise they wouldnt have even pushed this to the trial stage of proceedings. Beyond being a party that is corrupt top to bottom, it was one that functionality broken

Yeah, it’s a little odd that they could only muster two Republican votes in the senate. The lieutenant governor, Dan Patrick, presided over the trial. Here are his instructions.

“Even if a member believes the house managers have proven every element of an argument beyond the reasonable doubt, the member may only sustain the article if they also believe Attorney General Paxton should be removed from office based on that article,” Patrick said.

So, basically, feel free to keep Paxton as the state’s highest law enforcement officer even if the house manager proved he is corrupt. It’s weird optics because you have Republican house of representative case managers losing an impeachment case before Republican state senators. And then there is his reputedly-cuckholded wife (who is a state senator) being hugged and congratulated on the senate floor. Paxton himself did not attend. Just strange.

Anyway, Paxton still has other legal troubles. A federal investigation and a state bar examination.

Hasn’t this federal investigation been carrying on since forever ? How come this bent fucker hasn’t seen the inside of a courtroom yet ?

Not really sure. The theme is the U.S. recently has been for the wheels of justice to turn exceedingly slowly. I think prosecutors are overthinking things, trying to dot every i and cross every t.

It is illustrative of Texas politics that his guy won re-election last year with these clouds hanging over him. It isn’t just the public officials who are corrupt.

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Even prosecutors who are genuinely apolitical still understand the political implications of what they do. They dont like to lose cases, especially not high profile cases, and so I think a lot of comes down to just how conservatively they approach any case involving any politically connected person who has power to gum up the investigation

Teen mom at 17.

Grandmom at 35.

MAGA for the win ?

Fuck the deplorables.

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stephen colbert ho GIF

From the same author of the original piece :

"The political action committee that helped bring down Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) has released a series of salacious and likely false accusations against Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.)—and online liberals are eating it right up. But if the Cawthorn allegations, which centered around an explicit video were fueled by homophobia, then the Boebert allegations are being fueled by a no less pernicious force: misogyny.

Several news sites in recent days have breathlessly amplified claims that Boebert had two abortions while working as a paid escort, a small news cycle that’s prompting loud accusations of hypocrisy from the blue-wave Twitter crowd. To be sure, these outlets have published unverified claims from a politically motivated organization as if they were facts, all in pretty clear violation of good journalistic practice. These claims come from a heavily redacted set of anonymous text messages sent to a member of the American Muckrakers PAC, without corroboration. And, as Will Sommer of the Daily Beast points out, one of the photos that the source characterized as being of Boebert is actually of another woman entirely—not exactly the mark of a trustworthy tipster."