Downunder Thread




That poor woman has been getting dogā€™s abuse since the Olympics. When I saw it I honestly thought it was some sort of joke, but apparently it was her serious routine. If break dancing takes off as an Olympic ā€˜sportā€™ (it wonā€™t) they will probably have to work out some sort of minimum standard to get to the Olympics.

Mind you, a fond childhood memory was Eddie the Eagle on the ski jump, even though an average 14 year old in Norway could have wiped the floor with him.

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She is becoming a cult hero here.

Eddie the Eagle did alright in the end and even a movie. At the Sydney Olympics there was this dude named Eric the Eel who nearly drowned completing his swim. Everyone still talks about Eddie and Eric.

I reckon Raygun will join them and I hope she succeeds financially and becomes a media favourite. Seems like a decent chick.

Now donā€™t get me started on break dancing as an Olympic sport.


What did the Welcome to land speach at the Giants vs Lions game contain that was so controversial, or is it just people being a bit soft and getting their knickers in a twist over nothing?

On the way to Sydney :+1:t4::australia:

Will arrive in about 28 hours :anguished:


The people of Sydney thank you for the warning and are duly evacuating :kissing_heart:


But you travel business class so will be OKā€¦.Iā€™ve got used to doing laps of Doha airport during the stopover.

I wish!

In Singapore now.


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I stuffed my face on the unlimited buffett then slept and played FM24 in one of the airport lounges in Teipei last year.

Dumbass me though, booked the wrong lounge as the main goal was to be able to have a shower during the stopover and ended up booking the lounge that didnā€™t have showers in it

I know nothing of lounges.
Sounds fun though.
Now in Sydney.
It wasnā€™t too bad. Qantas better than expected.

The hourly rate rooms in Singapore airport is something I would do in the future. Shower, sleep for 5 hours then board the plane. Perfect. Well, 23 hours in the air is never perfect.

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Well done on being able to set your expectations that low

You and I Will never, ever agree on this. I think Iā€™ve said before that Iā€™ve been financially in a position to make more of the housing market but itā€™s a red line for me. Iā€™ll never, under any circumstances, use the housing or development market to build wealth. We are probably likely at polar ends of the political/idealogical spectrum.

It may not be ā€˜smallā€™ development, but here in Noosa we have state government trying to bypass the council town plan, trying to allow a developer to build 140 units in a 60m x 100m area of Noosa Junction. Council wasnā€™t privy to plans of development height for the proposal until the very last moment, because of course it wasnā€™t even close to meeting the rules of the town plan. Somehow this meets the stateā€™s definition of affordable housing. Yep, units in Noosa. Fucking. Junction. Which is obscene. As long as developers are making a buck, anything goes in terms of the definition of affordable housing. Noosa has areas that could be developed. But developers donā€™t see that as primed for profitability.

Noosa has a 65 year history of fighting high rise. It unfortunately has a history of state government running roughshod and forcing through shitty developments. Like the Daintree estate. Development in early 00ā€™s on a floodplain. Council fought it in court for obvious reasons and lost. Retrospectively needed a 2 metre wall built around it to protect it from storm events.

From what Iā€™ve ever seen, developers donā€™t care about whether an idea is good. They sure as shit
arenā€™t developing because they are concerned about the social problems caused by lack of housing stock, no matter how much they try to convince themselves and others ( fuck Iā€™ve heard that enough from friends) They are happy there is a housing crisis as itā€™s good for business.

I voted early in the state elections. Popped in yesterday. Voted independent who is against the development, then greens, LNP then labour. Itā€™s probably the only time Iā€™ve voted Libs above Labour, and even though Libs are for the high rise, I want my vote to punish Labour in this instance. I would have voted Labour (and LNP) lower if One Nation and Family First - which I assume is a cult - didnā€™t exist.


yeah im not sure what im even debating here, you seem to think that becuase i think councils are not run efficiently, that i think they are accross the board evil or somethingā€¦and even though the example you put forward is a good example of bad planning, it hardly dispels the statement it quoted.

i agree councils are powerless to stop bad faith developments, but thats a different kettle of fish than whether they are run efficiently.

locally, we have just had a rooming house (almost, any minute now) approved in an inappropriate area (without getting into the nitty gritty, its not that i dont recognise the need for cheaper housing, its just that making minimal effort to refurb a 1940s, non insulted shack, next to a playground, is not the solution to the housing crisis)
We (know) assume the individual council employees dont want it there, but as a council, they are powerless as the house really only needs dispensation for one itemā€¦theyd be shit scared of having to spend public money taking this further once challenged.

in short, re local councils (in my local area)

very happy with works on local infrastructure, very happy with events in public spaces and happy with front of house experiencesā€¦i still dont see how anyone can get upset when its pointed out they are run inefficientlyā€¦

finally, i know people who work in council are frustrated at the lack of efficiencyā€¦i just dont get how its such an outlandish statement

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Just chatting with a Tradie who shortened ā€˜no worriesā€™ to ā€˜noseā€™.

Is this a thing now? Or was he just exceptionally lazy?

A slightly shorter version to what Iā€™d say, which (phonetically) is ā€˜noiseā€™, even in the UK. They probably never knew what I was saying over there though.

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:clap: :clap: :clap: