Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)



’ Johnson aide discouraged Hutchinson subpoena over concerns about lawmakers’ ‘sexual texts’

The move was intended in part to prevent the release of sexually explicit texts that lawmakers sent Cassidy Hutchinson.’



Freed article here: https://archive.ph/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2025/01/23/cassidy-hutchinson-lawmakers-texts/




This thread is dark




Quite ironic, given that America is such an enlightened place and the shining beacon of democracy.


Some of it is a tragic comedy but yeah, its going the wrong way.

World political systems certainly need a shake up, but this isnt it.


They chose to go that way, didn’t they? So now, they’ll have to live by their decision.


I’d say that the system has already collapsed.


Problem is, I dont they’ve hit bottom yet.


If only it was just those that chose this that suffered.


Yep Ifty, unfortunately that’s true, it’s a very dark place here at the moment. That’s why I thought I could at least post late night news here every now and then.
I mean…it’s still the same terrible news, but at least it’s presented in a funny way. Otherwise it’s really difficult to bear at the moment. :expressionless:

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I assure you there are people suffering who did not vote for him. I realize there is anger and frustration directed toward Americans for the goings on of this election, but a blanket characterization isn’t right. Take, for example, teachers who are now expected to take bullets to protect students from shooters, but not from deportations. Lots are or will be caught in a web of suffering and it wasn’t necessarily their doing. There’s immense sadness here that’s perhaps not easy to see from the outside.


and in those specific states, many of the poorest citizens have been the targets of overt vote suppression.

I am trying not to develop anger and hatred from the daily provocations and insults.


The irony being that the Biden presidency was going some way to do that shake up - industrial policy to move us towards a new era of energy infrastructure and the approach of his FTC to tackle corporate malfeasance had enormous potential to change the way our society works, but now will count for nothing with Trump rolling back every inch of progress.

The double irony is it was not his politics that drive those good bits. Those were arguments put to him by people within the party that he bought the political argument for taking on and would have been strongly championed in any Democratic administration in that time. Whether a different president would have bought the arguments to the same degree or got the same bills passed is another matter, but these were clearly not objectives and policies that came from him, but from the party. The bits his personal politics drove, namely Israel, the bits where we could have had a different direction under a different president, are the bits he will most harshly remembered for.


Anger and hatred toward Trump?
Toward his cabinet? And/or Project 25 leaders?
Toward the MAGA movement, including all those who were excited to vote for him?


Toward all Americans?

For me, I feel a mixture of anger and incredulity with the first and second. The third is more of a mixed bag. Many people were misled, and bad-faith actors had their hands on the levers of news and communication. An uneducated and gullible mass was vulnerable. Coupled with that, the Democrats were not speaking to them in such a way that they thought they were being heard or helped, hence huge swathes of poor people voted for Trump, when ironically he is absolutely no friend to them.

If the anger is toward all Americans, that is obviously problematic.

Be careful, according to Republicans this sort of talk is indistinguishable from the MAGA rejection of the result in 2020

As a standard they pretend to believe the Jan 6th riot was not actually bad. But the second they can pretend Dems qualified rhetoric about Trump is the same thing as a violent attempt to overturn a democratic election, then they allow it be positioned as bad, but only as bad as Dems saying “it’s terrible that Trump is refusing to commit to the results of the election and we need to be aware of what he might do if he loses.”

The US in general. When you get right down to it, a narrow majority is still a majority. A majority that is happy to cast aside dozens of treaties and agreements on the basis of sentiment.


It’s easy to look up, but I’ll just go from memory so it will be an approximation:

Only a third of the voting population voted for Trump.
A tiny bit less voted for Harris.
The rest did not vote, although it was still the second highest turnout America has had.

It seems unfair to turn against a whole country based on the numbers.

Even so, don’t get me wrong - it’s an embarrassing shitshow and the agenda is abhorrent. America, and by extension many places in the world, are lurching to an extreme right wing place that is very dangerous. Norms are being ripped up before our eyes and it seems as if almost nothing is reliable any more, in the world of politics.