He’s got a very orange/fake tan look tonight…with 2 white stripes on his eyebrow line…and he’s going bald…coz his ‘flock of seagulls’ hairstyle was flat…
I noticed. Those eyebrows look like a pair of glow worms on a pumpkin.
Its not just that the Dems lost. Its that they lost to a bunch of morons and children*
*Reports from Wired (of all people) and WaPo demonstrate a woefully unqualified set of minions in admin roles implementing these EOs
This one is for @Alright_Now_Legend
Someone told him the kids like vertically framed videos so he stands in the dirt next to a road to give a “have you no decency” speech from the 60s while being drowned out by passing cars…but it’s vertically framed for mobile so will go viral with the kids
That long?
Just been catching up on what Trump has been up to lately and was gobsmacked to read in no less than 3 different pieces he announced he had commonsense!!!We know he has told a pile of lies but this one is worthy of a serious gong, maybe the Congressional Medal of Honour,though tbf honour is drawing a long bow in this case.This in the middle of blaming everyone from Obama on for the appalling disaster at Washington yesterday.
Nothing to do with wholesale sackings down to him, of course, let’s keep the truth out of this!
Pity there are limited way out of this shit show, only 4 years to go.
Speaking of governors going for the presidency, why not Gavin Newsom?
Yeah , apart from football and the French news , I never turn the tv on since that fateful day. The only reason I listened to him yesterday was because I could barely believe what was being reported about what he said. I should never have doubted it , and won’t be making the same mistake in a hurry.
I just saw a comment on social media in response to someone describing Trump’s regime as “Nazism”.
It’s only Nazism if it’s from the Germany region, otherwise it’s just sparkling controversial opinions.
To be fair, the FAA had allowed the mess that has become Boeing to effectively self-regulate which contributed to well-known crashes with hundreds of victims. This however has changed for several months now.
That said, the moron and his minions are 99% more likely to deal the death blow to the FAA, rather than fix it.
Not something that will ease my mind.
I said earlier Trumpy doesnt know what he’s signing. He is a puppet.