Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

I really hope that this will happen. Watching his various sandcastles coming down would be an enjoyable sight to be honest.

I also hope that people in Canada, Europe and elsewhere got their lesson and will stop buying his cars. Nowadays, there are better and more reliable EVs on the market anyway.


…and an Executive Order ending purchases of paper straws instead of plastic.



Absolutely, since there are 50 times more Tesla chargers already functional than all other public chargers combined.


Ah - so that is the angle there. Delays genuine competition in the American EV market.


@Arminius i know the threats of taking over of Canada have been made etc, question to you and our other Canadians though, if worse case this actually happened , has anything been said by political parties/ leaders about mobilising the army/ organising armed resistance etc?

Or is it that canada would just roll over and accept their fate if the idiot went ahead with what ever passes for thought/ policy?

Hadn’t thought about it, but yeah, that is plausible. :see_no_evil:

Yeah, we own a non-Tesla EV, and it is much more difficult to find chargers for our vehicle. They are out there, but you have to find them, and have a dedicated plan, if you plan a longer trip. By contrast, you can find multiple Tesla chargers at many convenience/fuel shops almost anywhere these days. We could purchase an adapter for a prohibitive cost, and pay Tesla for our use, but we refuse to give that white supremacist fuckwit one penny.


Dems spending political capital makiing companies switch to paper straws will go down as an ALL TIME OG. Totally lost touch with the priorities of the voters



Man bags next

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Half and half Biden Trump scarves

Going to get one for @cynicaloldgit


Here in France , Tesla sales are down 63%. :+1:


You have a point, but you dont have the vocabulary.

You’re willing to die for your country, but you wont do math?


Were it to come to that, unless there was massive resistance to the idea in the US, a military struggle would be a foregone conclusion. The numbers and the fact that Canada’s population centers are generally within about an hour of the US border make real military resistance an impossibility. It would be what comes after that would be an utter mess.

That said, we do have a Plan B, with sleeper agents already all across the United States ready to be unleashed.


I don’t know the numbers, but I would guess Tesla sales in Canada now approach non-existence. I drive by a Tesla dealership every day, and it is a ghost town now - and the fact there is inventory on site is telling.

Common name here for the Tesla excuse for a truck is the DouchePanzer


Is that not the official name???

We’ve got a cybertruck in our neighborhood. About a week ago I was a few cars behind it on my way back from the gym when I saw some pedestrians give it the “cybertruck wanker” treatment including hurling a big gulp at it.

It made me feel almost homesick to see


Despised by Magats for being an EV, despised by progressives because Elon, despised by anyone who actually understands what a woeful excuse for a truck it is and is amazed anyone would buy it. You love to see it


This is almost beautiful in stupidity.

The tariffs being on New Mexico is the final coup


Here’s a source backing that up, along with more information on other countries:

13% decrease across all Europe in 2024, but 63% in France for YTD, despite only a 6% decrease in general car sales. 41% in Germany for 2024, but a further 59% in January (unclear if y-o-y or m-o-m). Just down 12% in the UK y-o-y for January, but that’s on the back of a 35% increase in car sales in the same period.