Euro 2020 Archive Thread

Extra time is a nice treat for us all (except @Maria and her heart if it goes to penalties :stuck_out_tongue: ). Game has gone better than I imagined for Denmark. Reaching Extra Time against this particular England team is very strong for this Danish team.

Danes are looking more and more tired though. And this I fear, will be their doom in Extra Time if England speeds things up a bit.

Anyway, a good game this ! :+1:

Where are all the healthy, young English women??

The Danes seem to have them in spades…

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He got to the ball first.

Why has Southgate only made 1 change its not like Mount, Kane and Stirling have been unplayable this half.

Kane seems a bit confused with Graelish around, forgetting that he too can drag off a defender and shoot, inadvertently sabotaging Graelish chance.

Unsurprisingly conservative from Southgate in terms of the use of subs. For all that attacking quality on the bench he sure as hell has a lot of trust in Mount and Sterling. Understandable in the case of the latter given he’s been a real difference maker so far in the tournament, don’t think Mount has had much impact at all though. Rashford against tiring legs or Foden/Sancho for a bit more ingenuity would all have been fantastic options.

Leave that for Grealish ya greedy bastard.

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Southgate has one tactical change. bring on Grealish… when it fails… Do nothing.


Kane had already kicked him in the calf prior to this.

Kane kicked first Dane, second one fouled Kane after


Danes are knackered, will concede 2-3 in ET

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Kane fouled another player, then was fouled in the box but 1st infringement counted.


Our replays didnt show that challenge so that makes more sense.

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I doubt 3, but 2 is absolutely maybe on the menu.
120 minutes is a long time to be alert and Danish players do not have the stamina of regular Premier League players.
What will probably kill Denmark, is the tempo in Extra Time, not so much superior English footie like everyone maybe thought.

Anyway, those are my thoughts and I am no oracle so don’t claim to not be wrong now and then.

Kane fluffed his lines there

I don’t agree with either of those assessments. Kane wasn’t fouled in the box at all.


Only for the og we would be out .

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Still no changes :face_with_raised_eyebrow: .

Suspect Rashford is going to come off the bench and win this for England.

That’s your perogative but I think he was. Didn’t matter anyway.

Yeah cos it’s likely Sterling would have shanked it hahahaha

Cometh the hour, cometh the boss. Hugo :slight_smile: