Euro 2020 Archive Thread

I hope England beat Italy.


Aww, feel so sorry for the Danes. They were amazing lads. What a lovely fans they have.

Denmark, you did your country proud.:slightly_smiling_face::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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Chielini and Bonucci on one side vs Pickford on the other.

Doesn’t look promising.


Good night guys and enjoy the win ! :sunglasses:

England were certainly the better team,
but what a crap way for Denmark to lose,

Sterling diving to win a penalty,
Kane was at it as well falling over in the box trying to win pens

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Like I said grow up. Nobody is being sarcastic. Nobody is spewing acid. Stop being dramatic. It was a penalty. They are given all the time.

The Danes from the 2nd half played for penalties. I don’t to see that type of footy prevail. I can forgive them because they’re a small country punching above their weight.

The thought of that short-armed little cunt being hailed as some sort of national hero on sunday makes me feel fucking nauseous.


Southgate thinks he is Klopp giving it the fist pumps.

I don’t care. I am ecstatic!! Can’t believe it!

Congrats England. I thought that it was a good game, with both teams giving a good account of themselves. England at home are a bit of a different beast, they played out their qualities, and probably deserve to go through on the night.

Italy will be an entirely different affair, but enjoy your moment, lads and ladesses ! :+1:


Deserved, and it’s awesome seeing the delight on the faces of the players, especially Sterling.

It’s coming home…?!

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Lol prickford…

Does what he does best dives when there wasnt any reason to

He’s a fraud masquerading as a keeper. There were so many things wrong with how he dealt with that free-kick… His t rex arms being the least of them


Southgate doing his klopp impression

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He is definitely England weak link.

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Fucking hell, the way England were celebrating you’d be forgiven for thinking they had just won the final.

Personally I think that there is no way in hell that was a penalty. There was slight contact, but contact is not a penalty. There must be a faul committed to award a penalty and there wasn’t any faul


I like Southgate. Picks his best eleven and sticks with them. Builds a solid base. Wears opponents down. He seems like the real thing.

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Tell you what made me nauseous. Sam fucking Matterface and his scripted nationalism. England deserve this after the 16 months we’ve had. What? Didn’t they have a pandemic in Denmark? Fucking prick.


Aww let him have his moment.

If you read back through the tournament comments, you’ll see many calling him out as a shit manager, yet here he is, with a chance to win the whole thing and finally getting closure for that penalty miss. I can’t imagine the emotions he’s feeling.

Congratulations to all England supporters, tbh it’s really difficult for me to like this team when I am so much used to hate most of them the whole time.

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I’d imagine there are about 15 english keepers including those in the championship better than him

Its telling how poor his positioning is when hes had to dive to reach the ball which was heading to th middle of the net.

I daresay even ramsdale is a better keeper than prickford.