Euro 2020 Archive Thread

i would say that Rice and Henderson midfield would be almost perfect for them, much better than what they are using at the moment. Thankfully Southgate isn’t ‘over’ using Jordan (who possibly isn’t at the top of his form anyway).

So the foul on Sterling was not a penalty but Kane kicking the leg of the Danish defender after the defender had got to the ball first was a penalty? If that’s really your view then I’m not sure that football is really for you.

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If that was Salah or Mané there would be plenty on here saying they felt the contact so were entitled to go down. If it is Kane or Sterling it’s a dive.

Anyway I think it was a soft(ish) penalty but two players had a nibble at him without playing the ball and therefore impeded his progress so I’ll take it…


Niether Salah nor Mané would have dived! :wink:

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Perhaps I’m misremembering but I thought there was another incident during normal time when Kane (although could well be someone else) went down after being tripped.

Oh come on…

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Yeah that was a stretch. I’m sure Mané would have gone down, and subsequently been vilified thoroughly by the wonderful English media.

I think Raheem dived, he’s a diver isn’t he?
Saying that the Danish defence were very slow and often late all through the match. I can see why the ref might have given the penalty.
Of course I would have yellow carded Raheem for diving.
Anyway it’s Kasper’s fault Kane scored from that he pushed the ball straight back to him.

Bullshit penalty obviously but the result was the right one. Denmark offered nothing after the first half and they got their subs all wrong. Southgate deserves praise for making England hard to beat and they are well organised without the ball but if it wasn’t for Sterling it’s hard to see how they’d create any chances, let alone score goals.

I had a cheeky one on Italy at the start of this tournament so win/win for me either way on Sunday. With my red-tinted specs on I don’t want Henderson anywhere near that game but if Southgate has got any sense he’ll start him for that one.


England deserved victory. Much the stronger team. Now just need to win the final.

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So just specifically about “deserving” victory or “were the better team”, am I the only one who doesn’t understand why this concept even exists? Unless some major refereeing error occurs, isn’t the result that happens what is deserved? E.g. if we failed to beat a team that was parking the bus with fair, accurate refereeing, then that’s the result that was deserved, wasn’t it? Just because 1 team has 80% possession and maybe 20 shots to none, doesn’t mean it was the better team because obviously they failed to convert their chances.

Similarly, if Denmark had sneaked a lucky goal somewhere, you can’t really have said “the better team lost”, if they had a gameplan that worked, and they executed it well to the point of victory.

For me the consolation is, if not for the thoroughly unlikeable of some of the team, I think Southgate had the right approach to winning, as someone else posted somewhere (I cannot for the life of me remember where, probably @Mascot), that he’s building a team here. I just wish it wasn’t with Kane, Pickford, Maguire, or Sterling. If the England team were more like the Liverpool team in terms of characters, I would be supporting them.


No I wouldn’t. Tempura mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis

Times change and we change with the times.

Sterling is a lot of things. He’s also a highly driven winner who leaves nothing on the pitch. I’d take 11 of him all day (£50 says he’s a better keeper than t-rex)

As for deserving, we certainly didn’t deserve to win in Istanbul. But we did :slight_smile: All that matters is who scores the most goals overall.

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What if you feel deeply unhappy about the way your city and it’s people has been and still is perceived by huge sections of the population for the past 50+ years? All backed up in the gutter press and wider media? That it’s people are still seen as a legitimate target for stereotyping and abuse?
What if you are deeply unhappy that the elected government of said country are responsible for starving your city of central funding so vital services are cut to the bone?
Does Liam Thorp take any of this into account when he wonders why a large percentage of people in this city don’t give a fuck about the national team?
I hope Italy stuff them.


If they where the ‘much stronger ‘team’’ I think they would have won more convincingly and been on track much sooner. I think England will be dissappointed and relieved by this result. They really did make hard work of it imo.
What stands out is how if Kane can ‘get involved’ England ‘do’ much better. I really feel that the way they struggle to get Kane involved is an indication their ‘plan/tactics’ are wrong.
I don’t mind the players involved except Pickford and Walker (self centered idiots imo) the rest seem good players and they just lack professionalism and purpose. The manager I believe is out of his depth but then when has England had a competent manager? (Robson wasn’t bad from memory).
Anyway I hope England win it now however I feel they are going to have to have some sort of plan against Italy. This freedom they have, and hence confidence the manager has in them, isn’t deserved imo.


Few key moments…

Maybe Pickford should’ve gone with his left hand to try and save that free kick, even if it was more central and high/hard.

Sterling should’ve done better with the chance when he aimed straight at Kasper.

And Kasper definitely should’ve done better at blocking/pushing that ball to the side, not block it straight back to Kane.

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I can assure you this is utter rubbish @Maria … I personally know of not a single person amongst family and friends in this city who feels like that…give it a rest. Your agenda is becoming extremely tiresome.


When people don’t like something they tend to be more vocal. That’s why you can ignore hotel and restaurant reviews written in capitals.


What has this got to do with football?
When it comes to football the examples are very different. Like PICKFORD HAS SHORT ARMS AND IS A DOGFACED GIT!

A lot of touchy folk on here over a penalty.

Instead of arguing whether or not it was a winning penalty,

Maybe just enjoy your win