Touching me , touching you ( with gloves and mask)
Sweet Caroline!! Oh, oh, oh!
Mum and me waving our hands!
Touching me , touching you ( with gloves and mask)
Sweet Caroline!! Oh, oh, oh!
Mum and me waving our hands!
What is it with these English fans whistling their opponents’ anthem? Never heard about the notion of fair-play?
Booing the Danish anthem as well? Really?
Disgusting gesture by the Neanderland, feral, gammon section of the ENG fanbase🙄.
It is so embarrassing for the rest of the majority of us.
Really sorry, it us not a true reflection of the majority of us decent fans.
2-0 to England I think.
Are you at Wembley???
We are watching via satillite😄. We can still join in from afar.
Bwahaha, my mother just told me on the phone me that it doesn’t matter that much if the Danes win the entire tournament, because they are not as haughty as the Swedes, lol. That is just so arch typical a Norwegian thing to say
Nah mom, we don’t forgive them calling us mountain apes anytime soon But first this game. First let them defeat England to later down the line be defeated by Italy.
So far it is a bit like expected. I’ve noticed that the English defence stands high and that the Danish ball behind the lines created some serious issues that required an excellent English defensive intervention.
Pickford losing his head and doing something silly. This was also expected. Not punished though.
Good chance for Sterling that, tame effort in the end.
And now Pickford gets one of his fuck ups in early.
Pickford being Pickford-y?
It’s in his nature.
He has a quota to take care of. 1-2 silly errors per game (rest of the time he is peculiarly solid, which is why he is a national goalie I guess) !
Karius, part d’uh
Pickford is possibly the most amped up keeper I’ve seen. At 27 you’d think he’d have some sort of handle over his emotions by now, but nope the guy is an absolute lunatic. Must be a nightmare to play in front of.
Denmark having a bit of possession.
English press has faded. Denmark more into the midfield game. They are also almost equally dangerous in front of the 16 meter now. A slight surprise.
Why are they booing again?
Because someone is playing against England. it doesn’t matter who.
Danish mega chance there ! Wowsy !