Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

Bobby Robson , Whiskey Nose as well.

Good British Coaches now are rare. But doesn’t mean that they didn’t exist before.


Oh yeh, sorry I forgot, football didn’t exist before the Premier League.


Well no one’s saying that, but a lot has changed since the 70/80’s.

The British haven’t really adapted too well over time…perhaps some of that can be put down to educational/understanding of the game and not having the prerequisites to succeed.

Also ironic as fuck

The British game has adapted well I feel. Country has done well in national football nevermind it’s domestic leagues. British or English players are usually in the top 10 for their positions worldwide if not top 5.

Oh boy…I think being smart certainly helps in being a good coach, but that has little to do with education. Don’t think British footballers are dumber on average than footballers from the rest of the world. I’ve listened to countless German players speak, they certainly aren’t the brightest bunch you’ll ever meet.



Bit they can speak German so they’re obviously very clever.

Yes Harry, obviously

Steve McClaren is fluent in Dutch :woozy_face:

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Brendan is fluent in Spanish.

Pains me to say it but in the 30yrs of the EPL, 11 different managers have won it

4 Italians
2 British
1 German
1 Spaniard
1 French
1 Chilean
1 Portuguese

2 of the 7 clubs who have won were managed by British managers at the time
14 of those 30 titles have been won by British managers.
The most successful manager in those 30yrs was British .



Mmmmh, nah not for me.

Country has still won absolutely nothing, i.e still failing.

Domestic league which relies on spending power, mostly on foreign managers/players.

British players in the top 10 in their positions? Ehhhh debateable…probably more of a reflection on the collapse of European football.

Bellingham , Kane , Robbo , Trent for starters.

Who was the other British manager?

Take away Ferguson (who learned his trade way back in the 80s) and what are you left with…

Edit: Ok so Kenny and Fergie, both whom learned their managers trade in the 80’s…

You said the 70,s-80,s.I merely pointed out those who won it in the EPL era.


Yes because of the names who were mentioned above, they were from that era…that includes Kenny and Fergie who managed to carry on their success into the Prem, one in particular.

In any case 2 British managers out of 11 isn’t great is it? 0 currently and 0 for the last 10 years…when compared to other leagues.

Yeah, absolutely. Why doesn’t he simply stand up to the fact that he went for the big payday? At least a part of the fans would understand that, whereas with that interview, he gets everyone on his back for being not only a greedy scumback without any moral compass (many footballers are like that), but also for being a hypocrite.

That said, credit to Ornstein and Crafton for not holding back the tough questions. One of these days, they need to be placed in front of that scumback Guardiola.

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Like the players,they don’t tend to travel well.