Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

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As a former player, yes. He stayed faithful to the club, and performed admirably throughout his career.

As a current manager who accepts to help SA with their sportswashing, he can fuck off though. I don’t want him anywhere near LFC anymore, in any capacity whatsoever.


If he had said “Scottish” manager it may have narrowed it down. Last English manager to win it? Howard Wilkinson.

They aren’t particularly British

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I agree with this, and also lament the fact that Guardiola doesn’t get the tough questions. Henderson is getting a bit of a kicking right now (deserved to be fair) but he is just a player, near the end of his career.

Guardiola had been lauded and feted as a manager for years in the Prem, and before. He is the face of a systematic sports washing enterprise, with 115 charges hanging over them. Nothing they have won has any merit, as it is based on cheating.

Yet somehow, after only 2-3 minutes in the headlines, all the charges and the tough stuff that should come at Guardiola has been swept away.

It’s hard to know why. It is a massively interesting story. Are the journalists bought and paid for, or have their bosses been leaned on, legally, so Guardiola gets an easier ride?

It’s infuriating. It should be the biggest story in football, until it is resolved decisively, one way or the other.


Getting to finals and Nation league success is still success and not a fail.

I think in most positions there is a English/British player in the top 5/10 spots. That’s another debate though but think British football, senior/academy is top tier. Helped by foreign imports but many English players.

I think it is poor to be questioning british intelligence like it is any weaker than other nationalities ( not you but what the original argument is about)

You could say that about any manager or player. Ask them a tough question and you won’t be invited back. That doesn’t apply just to Guardiola but Klopp too. If you don’t think he is only given soft-ball questions then it’s time to take the red tinted glasses off.

Henderson was just too stupid to see how this would be viewed. I don’t think the Saudis had anything to do with this interview. Their MO is to just completely sweep the tough questions under the carpet rather than giving it oxygen like Henderson’s interview did.

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Think Hendo overestimated his ability to speak to media. He is media trained to talk about positives and negatives of his and his teams performances.

Same thing every interview “we go again etc” anyone can do it really.

Now he is getting questioned about more important things than football and getting his personality and morals questioned and no amount of football club media training can get you covered there.

Looked the embarrassment he is currently.

Ah well atleast Gareth Southgate will play me in some friendlies.

As a mod it’s a difficult one, when the side conversation about a lack of British managers is more interesting than a player putting money first (shock horror) then denying it.


Someone’s angling for a job over there


I know it’s not an original observation, but sometimes it’s like Brendan is leaning into the Brent comparison.

“Ohhh, it’s the morality officers!”


Well Brendan would know as an openly gay man.

Oh wait, shut the fuck up gnashers and concentrate on your farmers league.

Couldn’t give a shit but I would rather they just say oh the weathers nice and I can make shit loads.

I think I’d respect them more.


Agreed, just be honest. Boat loads of cash for a really good sun-tan. Win win and I’ll ignore the politics as they don’t affect me and mine.

Henderson should be more worried about the literal morality officers (no quotes needed) in SA.


Someone who wouldn’t hesitate to throw everyone and anyone under the bus in order to survive, is talking about morality. Amazing lack of self-awareness.

Embarrassing that he managed the club.


Does he really, though? I would think all these elite players will be provided their own alternative moral universe outside of Saudi society. As long as they don’t transgress outside of the alternative moral universe, all will be well. I’ve heard that’s how it works there.

When Brendan rocked up at Anfield he was on the up. One of the things I liked about him was his unassuming background from Norn Iron.

I also liked the look of his family. They just looked like an everyday family from next door. It’s probably impossible to say the next part without sounding inappropriate, but Brendan had a fairly plain looking wife who was a bit heavier. I actually liked that, because she came across as a real person, in a shallow world of wags. She was the woman who had been with him since the time when he was a nobody, and there was a sense that his success was also her success.

Then somewhere along the way Brendan started to seem a bit too concerned with his appearance. He lost weight, had his teeth done, and started to dress a bit differently too. This coincided with some of his public utterances being questionable, and it felt like he was thinking of himself more highly than we like to see in a Liverpool manager.

He also binned his wife for a younger, prettier model. While we can never know what goes on between two people in a marriage, and for all we know she was horrible to him, somehow I doubt that’s how it went down.

It looked like the classic cliche of a man who made good, got a bit too big for his boots, and then jettisoned the people he got there with in the first place.

As such, it rankles to hear him talk about morality in regard to people not being impressed with Jordan Henderson.

We will never know if Brendan might have gone further in his Liverpool career had he managed to stay humble.


The irony is unbelievable

We would have won the league in 2013-14 had we not been screwed by the refs in consecutive games against Man City and Chelsea that season.

In an alternative scenario, Brendan could have ended our title drought and JĂŒrgen would not have become our boss.

Doesn’t bear thinking about, does it?