Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

Precisely why he deserves a kicking. He is a hypocrite…surprised you can’t see it.


I am sorry to have surprised you with my lack of perceptiveness. Thank you for pointing out my error.

I am sure Henderson will have learnt his lesson also, and never be supportive of the LBQT community again and so avoid all future allegations of further hypocrisy.

£700k a week excites me.


Nah; CBB.

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the what now?

To be fair, the criticism is directed because of his stance. He publicly declared his support, and people in the LGBTQIA+ Community respected him for that stand. People ouside the community respected his fortright support, his advocacy and encouragement for gay footballers who may be struggling to live their lives in the sport.
Fabinho, Bobby, Neymay…none of them were vocal supporters of LGBTQIA+ rights. Hendo was.
Therefore he gets criticism.

For me, his reputation is tarnished. He was a great club servant, captain and a person young people could be inspired by.
I think deep down he knows he should have said no. Go public, say he disagrees with a regime that murders men for being gay. Money isn’t everything. I imaginne he is pretty well off without the Saudi paycheck .

But in a large way, that ship sailed with the World Cup


With the Oil dependency that countries have to Saudi as well as newer geo political equations forming , countries cannot be as criticizing of them as they should be.

With people and that too , someone like Hendo who has taken a public stand w.r.t his support to LGBT , he had a choice. He could have chosen to not join Saudi. Money isn’t the be all and end all when he was already earning 150k a week at Liverpool.

He will be held to a higher benchmark because of his vocal support for LGBT

As a gay man and I don’t speak for the community.

Don’t bother if you feel like dumping that at the whiff of money.

I’m really not buying this league is offering the ability to further his career. Klopp May have said chances would be reduced and so they should with his form in recent months.

Go if you want but don’t play the victim. You aren’t.


Apologies, what Quicksand says, …LGBTQIA+

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I frequently shorten to LGBT when posting on the forum, largely because the fuller nomenclature is cumbersome to write out. Obviously if I was writing in a context more formally, I would be less lazy. But absolutely no offence is intended and I’m not trying to exclude anyone from the entire group.


Same here. No offense intended.


I see some merit in what @TheFlyingPig says, even if his conclusion that Henderson deserves the benefit of the doubt is one I do not agree with.

Hypocrisy isn’t the only issue here, the endorsement of the regime is the real problem. The hypocrisy from Henderson is just the icing on the shit cake. I’m not sure how anyone can defend him after that disingenuous interview, a laughable attempt at defending his actions.

Still; Fabinho, Gerrard, Firmino etc are similarly tarnished for me. They’re already filthy rich, they’re just over there lining their pockets. And no, not everyone would do the same, Marco Silva turned down 40 million for two years work, and I’m sure many others have turned down similarly stupid offers.

They’re entitled to do whatever they want, and people are entitled not to like it. Henderson deserves no respect anymore IMO, but he isn’t alone.


And it also follows that the club itself did business with the Saudis, and were content to receive money over the odds for a couple of older players, to help boost the coffers to renew the midfield.

It’s a difficult situation all round. Hendo has shown hypocrisy, but it is true that he is getting a bit of a kicking for it and others are getting off relatively Scott free.


Go 1 step further.We’re still supporting the club who took the Saudi money,doesn’t that make us all hypocrites.


What else is the club supposed to do ? Hold on to Fabinho and Henderson when they clearly have an offer with a salary that the club doesn’t want to offer.

We’ve sold Sterling to Man City. Is the club supposed to not sell when the players agitate for a move ?

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Fabinho and Firmino didn’t put out statements in support of LBTQ and attempt to make themselves look statesmanlike.

Gerrard and Henderson on the other hand have. Gerrard during his time as manager of aston villa said this

Gerrard had overseen just one game at the club when he was asked about the Rainbow Laces campaign, at last Friday’s press conference ahead of his team’s Premier League victory at Crystal Palace.

“The club works extremely hard in the background to support a lot of campaigns,” said Gerrard. “I know they work very closely with Villa & Proud, so we’ll give it every support that needs be; me from a personal point of view, but also the club.”

I think it’s entirely fair that I call out Gerrard and Henderson for their hypocrisy. The likes of Fabinho and Firmino haven’t put themselves in that pedestal. Neither have they publicized either their support or their lack of for LGBTQ. That’s alright by me.

As to whether Firmino or Fabinho need the money , well. That’s the highest offer they got. I don’t like to see them going to Saudi. No one does especially as Firmino still had a lot to give at the highest level imo.

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Gerrard and Henderson on the other hand have used their support of LGBTQ to gain popularity and brownie points. That’s hypocrisy and makes me question whether they actually did support those rights all along.

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They are both evangelical Christians, not surprising that neither made any public statements. Both were also Bolsonaro supporters.


There are a lot of countries that Gerrard could go and manage , improve the game etc etc. Countries in Asia even. And make a fair bit of money doing that. Same with Henderson when it comes to playing. Loads of countries across the world and some of them even pay pretty good in terms of salary as well. Likes of Japan , Malaysia , Australia aren’t exactly skint.

If Hendo’s realized he’s not cut out for the top level football anymore , he can pick and choose a lot of countries to play for. Even USA for that matter.

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Allisson as well. That’s fine by me. Their religion is their own and as long as they don’t disgrace the club by their behaviour during their time here (which they’ve not) , Their personal beliefs are their own as long as they keep those beliefs to themselves.

About them supporting Bolsonaro , Right wing populism gets support from a lot of people. I’ve seen it in India , Turkey , Brazil and even USA. And it’s a growing trend.

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