Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON


Good riddance

Thatā€™s a pretty significant shot across the bow from Klopp.

Shocked at the Millie part, probably the last person I would have suspected at kicking up at not playing every week (nevermind the fact he is 37 and finished).

Goes to show you what these footballers are like behind the scenes

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Iā€™d be more shocked at any key player not kicking up a fuss when they arenā€™t playing every week. The way they handle it is more important for me.

Especially guys like Millie and Hendo who were key cogs in our team, suddenly find themselves sitting on the bench more than being on the field would be a hard pill to swollow no matter how old and slow they had become. There is a saying a lot of old pros use when talking about the final stage of the their careers - their legs were the first to go but mentally they didnā€™t accept it straight away


I would expect the likes of Milly to exactly kick up a fuss if they arenā€™t getting gametime.
Itā€™s just a case of the mind writing cheques that the body canā€™t cash though

Was there a typo/ mistranslation there - not used to seeing Klopp speak so strongly about players before, and he seems to imply Millie, Lucas and Hendo had similar behaviour?

The fact he raised Millie, someone he kept around despite being in that position for several years, is maybe a bit of a mitigation for how much of a shot that was from him.


I thought that Millie handled his decrease in playing time excellently. He may not have appreciated it privately, but it didnā€™t have any impact on his performance levels when he was on the pitch.

The same canā€™t be said from Henderson.


The senior players are expected to kick up a fuss when they arenā€™t getting sufficient gametime. They wonā€™t be competitive sportspersons if they didnā€™t.

We shouldnā€™t have been carrying both Henderson and Milner, Milly especially handled his decreased playtime well But the fact was that Keita , Ox both failed. Those were the guys who were expected to take on the mantle of senior midfielders in the team and both of them failed(not getting into why they failed). Had either of Ox or Keita shown some semblance of injury free periods, I donā€™t have a doubt that Henderson would have been shown the door.

The likes of Thiago (and his injury problems) would have been an almost complete non entity if two highly rated midfielders managed to take the ownership of the midfield.

I do think Klopp is to blame a slight bit for not cutting keita loose earlier, when it became sure that his injuries had hampered him. Thatā€™s not the person that Klopp is though. Heā€™s known for his unwavering loyalty to the people who are playing in his squad.

Is it that much of a shot from him? Maybe Iā€™m misinterpreting his words but they donā€™t seem that harsh to me.


Henderson was pretty influential when he was in Liverpool. I think this is more of Klopp making a stand.

Iā€™m all for it. Just wish it had come sooner.

I think its a bit lost in translation to be honest.
My reading is that Klopps comment was more about their unhappiness about not playing.
The fact that he mentioned Milner and Lucas, both considered role modes during their careers at Liverpool makes it less of a shot across th bow and more of a commentary on desire to play.

Its ok for us to be critical of Hendoā€™s decision, but I am not sure thatā€™s what Klopp intended.


A lot more context here without the quote being edited down for impact ā€¦


Milly? That man didnā€™t whine a single bit publicly about being a back-up.

The key point is publicly, but if you read Klopps statement, it sounds like he was whining to Klopp behind closed doors. Now for a professional that is into their mid-30ā€™s I would be surprised if they werenā€™t complaining about being on the bench - the key part is how they complain (whether that be in public or in private) and how they handle the responce from the manager telling them they are now to old to be considered key players

Clearly Hendo continues to be a major draw:

976 fans turning up to an away game. The last home game was 2,281. By comparison, Tranmere Rovers last home game had a 10,614 attendance. Not bad for a team in the relegation zone of the fourth tier.


Actually felt bad for Hendo to be playing for such low crowds after experiencing Anfieldā€™s glorious atmosphere. I know financially he may have been set for life but still, compared to his Anfield experience, it must be a sick feeling playing to such crowds.

Donā€™t worry about his well-being.
Those oily millions are his meds, antidotes, vaccines and antibiotics all rolled together.


He did say he couldnā€™t wait to get started on a new challenge thoughā€¦possibly not the challenge he expected?

He does use that word ā€œchallengeā€ a lot ā€¦seems he opted for the much easier challengeā€¦

Can I come backā€¦??

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I think all he means is that he wants to play every game.

He should have said hes a hypocritical, money-grabbing, soulless moral vacuum.

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