Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

I wont lie, I had to look up the meaning of that word :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

haha @Prolix

If someone can start the ā€œJim from Tunbridge Wells threadā€ to discuss his recent move to Saudi I can go there and call him a cunt too

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Because not all expats are/were as wealthy as Henderson already was prior to his move or such a prominent member in the movement for equality.

Henderson didnā€™t go to Saudi Arabia to secure his family for life, something that he must have already accomplished years ago. He went there out of pure greed.

Largely agreed on the British government and any government that does business with Saudi Arabia and other oppressive regimes.


Iā€™ve been the first to condemn Hendoā€™s move there, but now, Iā€™m also ready to cut him some slack. He obviously realised that he made an error, and that money isnā€™t everything. So, he gets out and goes to a decent club where he should be able to achieve something, in front of a passionate crowd, in a football country. Itā€™s not bad, and far more fitting with his previous record, before making that strange move to the Saudis.

Obviously, something has clicked for him, and heā€™s ready to sacrifice a lot of money in order to address his mistake. Better late than never I suppose.


and and and ā€¦technically he was not even paid (money deferred going back to club) for it anyway. he was just there on a 6 month goodwill tour :laughing:

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At least he has quickly move on unlike Gerrard who has even extended his stay, and Mane, Bobby, Fabinho who are happily earning the Saudi dollars, not forgetting Gini too


A government at least has the excuse of Realpolitik - the idea that you must deal with the world the way it is and not the way you wish it were. That requires making bedfellows of people youā€™d otherwise like not to. A bit like the dilemma the England players had in going to the world cup.

No one going to Saudi or Qatar now, or taking their money in any of their various European based sports washing enterprises, has that excuse.


We donā€™t know the reason/s behind Henderson hot footing it out of the sand dunesā€¦ my feeling is that it could be his wife has driven the agenda to leave.
Read somewhere that the WAGS of the players, are constantly hissed and spat at by the localsā€¦!

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I assume itā€™s the fact heā€™s playing in front of crowds of 500 - 900 per week in a shit league.


I have nothing left to contribute to this threadā€¦mainly because I donā€™t care much for what players do or where they go once they leave LFC but man you know youā€™re in desperate need of football when the top 3 threads on this forums are 2 for an ex-player and a referee thread (which was bumped due to the aftermath of a game we played before Christmas).

& no this isnā€™t a dig in before someone interprets it as such.


I gave up on the idea that any footballers do anything out of principle a long time ago , and the fact that the ones who are put in the position to do so are already set for life just makes it all the more depressing.

Has your head been buried in the sand?

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Good move for him.

ECL winner 2024? :grimacing:

Thatā€™s an odd video.

None of his highlights from Saudi for starters.

The play in the Conference League ā€¦