Ex-player: Sadio MANÉ

He will do well at Bayern but it means very little winning the league every season and he is going to miss the love of the Liverpool fans.


I don’t think I’ve felt this sad about a player leaving since Stevie left having been on the losing side in his last two games for this club. I hope that Mane’s story at Liverpool will entice more African football players to follow in his footsteps and see Liverpool as a destination where they can fulfil their dreams. Absolute class of a person and a player, alongside Salah, the best winger we’ve had in my time watching the club. Without him, though, we wouldn’t have got CL and our past few years wouldn’t have looked so great. Best of luck, Sadio!


All the best Sadio, I wish you all the best.


I don’t know what is more shocking - the thought of life without Sadio, or Dutch being complimentary :wink: :rofl:


Nice interview. It’s good that the club have done this. Hopefully puts to bed any lingering animosity towards him from some. Never really understood that. He owes us nothing. Gave everything. A great player who will be missed.



Holy shit Bayern have a big squad… you’d have thought they’d find a shirt for him in the low hundreds at least… :eyes:

Why do Bayern showcase the contract length on the back of the shirt? Or is that a national thing?


“It’s a big moment. There is no point in anyone trying to pretend otherwise.

“One of Liverpool’s greatest ever players is leaving and we must acknowledge how significant this is.

“He leaves with our gratitude and our love. He leaves with his status among the greats guaranteed. And, yes, he leaves in a moment where he is one of the best players in world football.

“But we must not dwell on what we now lose, instead celebrate what we were privileged to have.

“The goals he scored, the trophies he won; a legend, for sure, but also a modern-day Liverpool icon.

“Since he first stepped through the door, he made us better. If someone had told us in that moment what he would go on to contribute and achieve for this club, I’m not sure it would have been possible to comprehend in that moment. Not the scale of it at least. Sadio made it all possible.

“To be that good for such a sustained period and continuously improve season on season – no matter how high he set his own bar in the previous one – is an example to any player anywhere on the planet that professionalism and dedication leads to reward.

“I respect completely his decision and I’m sure our supporters do also. If you love LFC, you have to love Sadio – non-negotiable. It is possible to do this while accepting our loss is Bayern’s gain.

“We wish him nothing but success in every match he plays in, unless, of course, it’s against us. His star will continue to rise, I have no doubts.

“I remember last season I was asked, in an interview or Q&A from memory, to describe Sadio in three words. I said at the time it’s not possible to do this.

“If I was to try I’d need to be allowed multiple attempts – because there are so many ways you can describe him using three words.

“World-class player!

“True club legend!

“Ideal role model!

“The perfect teammate!

“Compassionate, caring person!

“But the three words that feel the most appropriate today are also the hardest to say, ‘Will miss you!’”


When I saw the change in the title ‘Ex-player’, it was like a dagger to my heart!
Jurgen’s emotional tribute to Mane just started my waterworks Hope.
I feel such a deep sense of loss with Mane gone.
The EPL is alot poorer without Sadio tbh.


Tap in merchant.


Exactly my feelings as well Maria, but that’s life. We move on with younger, very exciting players, who might do even better than him, who knows, under Kloppo’s tutelage. We’ll gradually warm up to them as we did with Sadio at the time, when he came in as a young promising player! :smiley:


Strange: transfermarkt estimate Mané’s current market value at €70 m. Surely that’s grossly exaggerated? Or does it confirm that they think we’ve been fleeced by Bayern? Dunno if these estimations have any value at all, mind.

The 35m is about right for a 30 year old player with one year left on his contract.

It’s a finger in the air. Like everything, it’s fluid. These websites stick a number up based on their metrics, but in reality a footballer’s value is determined by many things - wages, contract length, where the player wants to go, his stats, his age, the clubs direction of travel etc etc etc.

I’d not take any notice of any of it, or if you do, then also look at the good transfer business we’ve done, and assume we’ve fleeced fuck loads of other teams.


Sadio only having 1 year left on his contract has probably cost us 20+mp.Even at 30yrs old he would still be worth over 50mp on current form.We need to ensure that players as effective as Sadio never get to the point where they can run their contracts down or go for less than they are worth.Understandably we don’t want to be paying every player huge salaries but we shouldn’t be getting caught as we have in this case and probably will be next year if Salah goes on a free.

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It’s probably unavoidable in some cases, unless you have a bottomless amount of cash to play with.

Every time Boss :broken_heart: :broken_heart:

sad leave me alone GIF by Laff


I think the way we work is largely fine and it isn’t worth getting hung up over the contracts expiring. We know the risks but are able to plan the development of the side on our terms.

To do as you suggest we are likely risking over paying wages to keep players or having to churn key players much faster than we do, which isn’t what the club wants to happen. Even if we do try to sell with 2+ years on their contract to maximize income from the sale, their is the problem of what happens if the player doesn’t want to move or no clubs want to pay what we think is a fair price?