Expectations for the season

How many of those 40% will go to teams who voted against 5 subs?

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Interesting opinions here on.
I for one don’t expect anything this season. We all live in uncertain times atm.
Many questions and no answers.
Do we dip in the transfer market in January if our makeshift center backs are doing well?
What influence has the congested fixture list?
Which injuries happen to our and our opponents players?
How much good luck and bad luck will we and the other teams have?
Could add a few questions more.
We all don’t now.
All I know is this season will be a lottery.
Hopefully we can win the main prize.
If not so it’s not the end of the world.


Nice marker put down against Leicester, with quite possibly six of our best eleven out.

It will be an attritional season, with flashes of quality, but not sustained peak quality, due to circumstances. At that point mentality will be key, and well, we are the mentality monsters!

League champions, low 80s points.
CL is more of a lottery, but we are one of a handful of teams who can win that, even without VVD.


I see this a lot on here; I wonder where people think we’re going to drop 20+ points? The Villa game was a complete aberration- results like that are not going to be commonplace.

I don’t think people appreciate just what has been built by Klopp and others here. We’re a well-oiled machine; everyone else is crap in comparison.


Spot on. One more aberrant result or an injury and doubts begin to rise again. We are believers only in bits and patches and only a day or two after a good result.

Thankfully our team, the players, manager and staff isn’t. They believe in themselves way more than we believe in them. We could really do with a bit more positivity, because if you aren’t happy with what we have now, when will you ever be?


I think our home form will continue to be at close to the current level of 5/5 wins and we’ve been incredibly unfortunate in our 4 away games so far to only have 5 pts from 12. We’ll see those first away fixtures as a blip downwards compared to the remainder of the season. So in ten games time at the end of the second quarter of the season we’ll have dropped 12 pts let’s say. 45 pts at the halfway mark hopefully.

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Klopp is really angry.

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I think we will be league champions! We are indeed a well oiled machine as you say.

I’m speculating on how many point we might amass but it will be irrelevant if we are crowned champions. Still, my take is it won’t be around the 100 pt mark we have seen winning the title the last three seasons. The reasons are the condensed season, lack of prep time and ensuing injuries.

If I can have a wild guess now, it won’t be more than 85 points that wins it.
Who knows, but that’s my guess.

But crucially, Liverpool will be crowned champions!

If it is upper 90s again, I won’t exactly be complaining!


I look at it this way: it’s unrealistic to lose half of your starting XI, including losing your first-choice centre back pairing for the entire season, as well as three more players who are in and out of the first eleven, and not expect a drop-off in results in such a competitive league. I love Klopp from the bottom of my heart, everyone here does, but he can only work with players who are fit. I can only imagine what would have happened at Liverpool’s rivals under similar circumstances regarding the fitness of players.




Expectations of winning the league remain despite the injuries and dropped points so far. We still have a top team and there’s no excuse really not to win it.


How about corrupt officials?

Depends on what CB’s we buy in January.

No doubt we will be diddled out of points, goals, pens, var decisions, and offsides…and nobody but nobody will give a shit, except LFC, LFC fans and supporters…these people in charge of these decisions may say they’re not swayed, but it does look iffy at times and it does look as if they’re influenced.

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The refereeing is extremely poor at times but corrupt? No. The club just needs to do better performance wise. We should have more points on the table but the quality is there to win.


We will still win the league. The way I see it, using the law of averages we should be getting all our boys back while other clubs start to lose guys to injury. I also think we will go to market in January.


Yes but come Jan a certain Ang On Ang On club will buy just 5 more players than we will, to ensure they have the bigger squad…so, nope, we won’t win it during this testing period.

All variables must be in the hands of our leader to ensure we do what’s necessary…and he’s been dealt a really difficult hand

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Dortmund lost
Bayern conceded first
Juventus draw
Now Paris and Real conceded.

Most of this is because of the schedule.


I think we’ll still do it.

I’m not doubting we are on the wrong end of the stick of a bit too much.

Someone said it in the post match Brighton thread, that klopp shouldn’t make too many excuses as it breeds a certain mentality.

He needs to complain, but only just enough so as not to have an excuse culture.

You can see it at city in the last 18 months where it’s rampant, pep seems to have just overstepped that fine line between tribalism and being pure defeatist.

Klopp next big challenge ( from a team mentality perspective) for me is how he handles this …I won’t say outright, although I know you see it that way…’apparent’ bias in the decisions both on and off the field.

The injury to Van Dijk is a brilliant microcosm of how we can play this…let’s just accept there’s a bias against us for this example, and then a main stay gets taken out in an incident which really should bring about some form of disciplinary action ( even just a free kick FFS?)

We can either roll our eyes and mentally just assume it’s not our year, or we can ‘win it for the big fella’

As fans we don’t have to face that challenge ( unless we are in the stadium) , as a manager, klopp has to play his hand perfectly…

We know we have the best team on paper, the best off field team and the best mentality…

Fascinating stuff… really.

I just want klopp to get a second title ( and then a third and so on) so no one am write this juggernaut off as a flash in the pan…


I’ve never understood this argument. That we need to do better performance wise to somehow compensate for the fact we’re getting fucked over on a more or less weekly basis.
We should have more points? Yes, we should, 4 of them that have been stolen from us by corrupt officials.