Expectations for the season

Did we perform bad against Brighton? Maybe. Not sure.

But I guess that’s the maximum we can get in the current situation.


Klopp ruled out Ox and Thiago for next week but hopefully that doesn’t mean the others are ruled out too.

2 of Keita, Trent and Shaq would be good until next weekend.

Ox and Thiago the week after and Milner should also be back mid December.

My biggest fear is that with this new policy of secrecy the club is trying to hide something.

Maybe one of the above mentioned players is out for the rest of the year or something.


Just a hunch, Thiago won’t be back before January.


Does anyone know what the injury is.

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No and I was looking at Pearce’s timeline but I’m not seeing where he said Thiago is close to returning to training. Unless he took it down. He asked The Boss yesterday after the Brighton match about Thiago’s return but was given a non answer.

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Hes already ruled out of this weeks 2 games.
Something isn’t right.


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I am okay if the club is hiding anything. There is so much information and we still need to know everything, else we become paranoid. By knowing everything, we become even more paranoid. Look at Alisson or Thiago thread. Look how for 2 minutes Matip’s name wasn’t there on the team sheet and we feared the worse.

There are challenges, but the club is trying everything it can to keep the spirits up. I appreciate it and wouldn’t question every single decision it takes. About time we relax and enjoy the football, rather than be 24x7 worried about things off it. There is enough worry already in everyone’s lives given the pandemic and stuff. Football is supposed to take it away from our routine lives, not compound it.


This schedule is like usually around Christmas and new year. But with no end in sight, and on the back of a relentless schedule since months. This is going to be an absolute blood bath…


It’s mental. And you have bellends like Neville claiming it no worse than every other season.

Good point on the Anfield Wrap last night. The PFA need to get involved. It’s now a safety issue. They need to put out a statement, and highlight the number of muscle and hamstring injuries compared to other seasons.

Two things though

  1. By spring, teams are going to be playing U18 in televised showcase games. I hope the broadcasters are alright with that.

If I were Klopp, I’d be looking to manage energy within games. Try and go a couple up early and then just kill the game. Just pass the ball at walking pace. Then use the interviews to be very clear that this is their fault.

  1. Self interested knobs like Wilder are in for a shock this month. That tool’s competitive advantage gleaned by blocking the five subs have yielded him one point. Good. Let’s see how he copes when he has to go twice a week and manage have his team injured. Christ, he might even give Rhian a game.

Unless we get players back it could become ugly very soon.

People keep telling me other top 6 teams will get injuries too. This is how it looks so far.

United (9)
De Gea

Liverpool (8)
van Dijk

Arsenal (7)
David Luiz

Spurs (2)

City (1)

Chelsea (none)

We have 12 games between November 22 and Jan 2. That’s twice every week, for six weeks.

Things doesn’t get any better afterwards as well. We have at least five games between Jan 8 & 30; more, if we get past Villa in the FA Cup tie.

February will have seven games; five in league and two in CL, more if we are still in FA Cup.

March will see the return of International Break.

Can’t see anymore problems happening to us this season just plain fucking sailing from now on.


What is the list of long-term injuries? I think that is key. We have seen in the past that a week can make a massive difference and where a team is struggling to field a team they can have plentiful choices a week later.

For example, I think our midfield will be a convey-belt of injuries and choices, as they al pick up small muscle strains. We have one of the deepest midfields in the comp. Its getting tested at this exact point but we know a world class player is soon to return, and Keita is even closer.

At the back, that’s where we will have problems. Both Gomez and VVD out with long term is shit luck. Klopp really needs to be careful and choose a formation that requires the least amount of running for the CBs. We saw VVD play a million consecutive games before his injury, and I think we can do that provided we set up conservatively. The world probably just LOL’d when I typed that given I’m talking about Matip and Fab in particular but I’ll stand by that!

Forwards we are blessed [/anti-jinx potion]. Just make sure we rotate them. If Klopp tells them to play at 70% with the risk of dropping points I’ll be completely on-board. Given we’ve only played one high-tempo game I imagine there has already been that conversation.

This season is a battle of attrition. Chelsea may have no injuries but they are still crap. City will certianly pick up more injurie with the squad they have. Its not our year injury-wise and I believe that will be the case all the way through, but I think we can cope and I think our competition will join us struggling soon enough.

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What are the odds the 5 subs will be implemented but only when CL/EL group stage is over and smaller teams will also start playing every 3 days?

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Yeah, it’s surprising how calm they have been until now. They obviously don’t want to upset their paymasters, but still…

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Very high, I would think. I think there will be five subs allowed by Christmas.

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Even for the teams currently OK with injury, it’s going to catch up with them through December and January.

As for Spurs, it’s easy when you have so little regard for the midweek competition you are in that you can rest your entire first team. Let’s see how they do when they actually care about the games and they are at a higher standard that the team who finished third in the Ukrainian League.

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